I wish someone told me you can get severely addicted to weed as much as any other drug

Today is my first day sober, I’ve been addicted to weed for a little over 3 years now and I’m only 19. I started smoking when I was in high school and It wasn’t until I graduated high school, and my mom was okay with me smoking weed. I got a bong and a pen and started smoking all day, everyday. I would wake up and first thing before class get high, before any meal I had to get high, and when my high wore off I would get high again. I’m usually passed out by 8pm bc I’m exhausted from being high all day. It’s now gotten to the point where my addiction has a hold of every aspect of my life. My relationships, my job, myself, my body, and my relationship with God. My mom divorced my step dad this year and my brothers won’t speak to me. I’m afraid everyday that I could go mental if I continue down this path any further. Im ready to start working through the traumas of life instead of pushing everything down with a bong rip. I’ve pushed myself so far from God, and I feel so lost. I crave that sober feeling of enjoying life on natural serotonin highs. That’s what I crave now more than weed. When I go into my 20’s I don’t want to still be struggling with my addiction. I’m scared to go over the wall of sobriety but I’m feeling really trapped in a deep hole and I can’t go like this one more day. I’m sorry this was a very long post. Let me know if anyone relates could use a friend <3


Welcome - this isn’t unusual at all and you are not alone.

Personally weed has been hardest to quit for me out of my 3 vices.
Alcohol was my main thing and I’ve been off that over 6 years.
Prescription amphetamine (adderall) - off that since mid-February.
Weed is a week-to-week thing.

Thankfully it is the least damaging of my addictions, but it is damaging nonetheless. Sounds like it is for you too.
Weed can be an addictive substance. Anything that makes you feel good can be. Mostly mentally, but I found that personally I get physical withdrawal symptoms whenever I put it down (drenching cold night sweats for up to a week, in particular).
Don’t let anyone bullshit you into thinking it’s not possibly addictive just because that’s the popular narrative. It’s not addictive like alcohol might be where you develop a literal physical dependence, but it can absolutely be addictive.

You are among people here who have many similar experiences. I hope you are proud of yourself for recognizing this problem as early in your life as you have, and making a choice to be better.


When i quit drinking back in February (then relapsed) I was doing alot of weed, switched out my alcoholic drinks for weed drinks and was smoking as well as gummies. I was taking waaaaay to much. Replacing my habits. Today is day 2 of no drinking. Im not doing as much weed but im still using cbd 2:1 with a low % of thc. I cant do the strong stuff anymore especially with taking Welbutrin. Any way i can relate to the weed topic for sure. I guess i would rather smoke a bit of weed than drink a micky and deal with the effects of booze. Thanks for ketting me chime in.



Totally relate
Day 440 no alcohol
371 no ciggeretts or vapes 80 no form of nicotine
Only 40 no form of weed

Everytime i blaze i felt angry and upset but im addicted to it. I want to feel it until i dont
Im either 100% on or 100% off

Id rather be ready for anything during my time then be high confused and incomprehensible


Wish I had been smart enough to stop a long time ago. Started in college and still struggling to quit today. I see a lot of myself with what you talked about.

I’m stopping today as well, so let’s do this sh*t together


Thank you so much for your words, you don’t know how much it means to hear! I know nights will be tough since that’s when I used to smoke the most to help me sleep and drown out thoughts. But im finding some natural sleep remedies, and just reading other people’s stories surprisingly helps more than I thought. I’m happy to find found support from people going through similar things. I wish you the best on your journey as well! :slight_smile:


That makes me so happy to hear my words were able to motivate you. Sometimes stuff sucks and we do what we can to stop the thinking temporarily. I’m so happy to know I’m not the only one going through this, let’s do this ish together!!!


@Chaz welcome . I am you ,just 25 years older I started weed at 17 and I always felt a disconnection from god as soon as i became addicted to it .you sound like I was you’ve got a good spiritual soul and cannabis doesn’t like that one bit it’ll happily disconnect you so you can’t feel the guilt of the things your not getting done of a day it does take up all of your time because your too stoned to motivate yourself to do anything else and It is addictive not physically but my fucking god mentally it’s fuckin insane . Some of my mates when I was a teenager would buy a tenners worth of weed on a Friday smoke it and go back to thier lives after Friday night saying Fuckin hell I was wasted last night but then don’t buy another one till next Friday and only one and they could continue to do this because there not addicts people like you and me are . You’ve got a heck of a lot of wisdom about yourself and weed at 19 that I never had and that’s a blessing ,you can get off it with that insight alone . I think you know what you’ve got to do but I’ll tell you anyway . Get your bong Tell it it’s a Fuckin life sucking bastard because it is .get all your paraphernalia and get rid of it .try if you can to get someone who doesn’t smoke it to do this for you so it’s not in a bin for you to take back out . What comes next is the hardest but most important part you can’t associate with people that are getting stoned anymore you can wish them well you can love them from afar but you cannot live your life with them anymore .you have to search out new people now and go back to things you enjoyed before you smoked weed . It’s hard as fuck if you make it hard but if you do it an hour or five minutes at a time like us you can do it .we’re here all the time when your head spins or something happens to make you want to press the fuck it button . I’m only six days off weed myself I did all of the things I’m telling you to do last week and I’m ok it’s shit for the first few days obviously you’ve fucked yourself up you have to take the shit to feel better . It’s hard to eat for a few days hard to concentrate and you sweat like fuck especially at night but. I’m here I am happy I’m motivated and I don’t wanna sit around all day doing nothing. you’ll be fine feel the fear and do it anyway ……ps yours wasn’t long this is long !


I’m in tears after reading this. It makes me feel so much better mentally knowing how many people are going through the exact same thing as me. I felt scared to talk about it since I feel like most people just don’t understand how addicting it can become and all the tolls it brings on life. It feels crazy taking the step back and seeing how many days I’ve spent high and barely here mentally living a fulfilling life. Thanks for all your kind words, I’m taking this step everyday with God and I can’t wait to meet the new me on the other side of all of this. I’m here for you as well when your days get rough, we will do this together! Also congrats on 6 days! I’m excited to feel the freeness with you<3


@Chaz lol I know about the tears, people have brought ocean s out of me this week but it s cathartic its healing ,you will cry for a bit I still am but it’s ok you feel better after . I read books to help me sleep … not atm tbh tho because I’m on here till I finally go to sleep. There’s a few regular people on here who are giving up cannabis with only a short amount of time behind them. one is on 40 days and I take my inspiration and courage from them . You’ll like the person that comes back I’m starting to like me again probably because I’m not being a selfish dickhead to those around me anymore and I’m present and in the day ,come with us on the sober train it’s got a limitless seating capacity :ok_hand::metal::fist_right:


Isn’t is mad we had no comprehension of how how highly confused we were all the time and we thought it’s alright im I’m just chilled :face_with_thermometer:


Thank you so much for your help and inspiring me. I’m on hour 12 and normally by now I would have gotten high like 5 times but barely even feel it since my tolerance is sky high. This is the time I crave it the most and I will say, it’s getting pretty hard. I’m trying to just pray every time I feel the urge, but I give you and those who quit a lot of props because this is hands down the hardest urge I’ve ever had to fight. I guess if it were easy no one would be an addict tho.


Fair shout for telling us it’s hard right at this moment for you thats what you have to do instead of going to get it . Would you mind telling me what time of day it is where you are


It’s almost 7pm where I’m at!

I am an recovering alcoholic, but I myself had a couple years where I was addicted to weed. Living in California at the time, I was convinced that weed was the magic answer to all of my problems. That’s the story they sell to you there. It made me drink less, it actually (strangely) helped me workout, and it had zero calories. For me, the main problems were that it completely changed my personality, made me quite dumb all day long, and made me not able to remember long stretches of time. Looking back, those years are like a dead spot in my memories. I know a lot of things happened, but the details for everything are very fuzzy. Weed, alcohol… it’s all the same really. If I had to pick which one was better for you, sure, weed, but it is still a drug that can really mess up your life.

It’s hard getting sober. But it isn’t hard forever. It gets much easier over time and the rewards are immense of not living like a slave to an addiction and letting your body function normally, how it was designed to. I’m so happy that I wake up every morning of my life now without a hangover. I’m happy that I remember my days again, not just the overall, but the details.


Fucking hell ok that’s a terrible time of day …right it’s seven o clock ,is it nice weather? I went out and did anything I could ,went to the shop to buy something if that’s too spinny , walk somewhere far and quick get physically tired get all that miserable I want a smoke energy out. you don’t need it and you’ll feel better tomorrow because you haven’t, if you see people when your out say hello . If it’s not good weather do something inside the house ,you won’t want to you will be pissy but if you complete it you will feel better


Thank you for sharing that with me, I’m so happy you were able to make the changes you know you needed to do. And I’ve never related to a sentence more! Everyday I’m at work I feel so spacey and like an idiot most days lol. And my contempt of time is very jumbled and I never remember minor details anymore. I’m beyond grateful I’m able to find people like me or used to be I should say, I know the first few days will suck hell and that’s not even enough to describe it. I feel so hyper but at the same time I can feel how weak my body feels and I’m starting to get the shakes when I think about it too much. I know everything’s in my control but I just pray tonight doesn’t get too hard for me…


It’s all about force atm you have to force yourself to not let the weed say it’s alright I’ll do it tomorrow


I went shopping today and being out the house 100% helps. I’m excited to be at work and be distracted but also more clear headed. The weather here is in the 110s most days so outside is very hard to be lol. I’m starting to get nervous as it gets later. I haven’t gone to bed without weed in years but I know I need to stop overthinking and have a different mental approach.


Stop thinking we don’t think , we do the next right thing .you need to believe and say to yourself all night I can go to bed tonight without weed and you will .you might not sleep very well you will be tired at work but you drag your ass out of it tomorrow and by tomorrow you’ve got your one day like us ,and it gets easier I promise .don’t allow your cannabis brain to make you shake and panic tell it to fuck off and put your big big girl pants on :facepunch::fist_right::+1: