I think every addict has to listen to this podcast!

I’m listening to this podcast for the second time right now and stopped to share it this minute:

Please listen to it no matter what kind of bad habit you are dealing with! It’s such an eye opener!


Love love love these podcasts utterly illuminating also i relisten with some Rich Roll ones that help me keep revovery central


Will do! Thanks :slight_smile:


For me the big eye opener was my chasing dopamine. I quit alcohol and social media a while ago but exchanged it for buying stuff I do not need. So working on that one by learning about dopamine. Would love to reed the book “Dopamine nation”. But it’s not translated in Dutch yet.


Very curious about this one.


Thanks for sharing!

This one is specific to alcohol and was a massive eye opener for me. I knew excessive drinking was bad for me, of course, but never knew WHY (other than some of the obvious reasons). Discovering the WHY helped change my relationship with alcohol from something I desired to something I wished to avoid, even if I was not always able to do so.


I did like the podcast and I did learn from it. So I agree in saying it’s worth the listen. The whole series is.

A critical note about this particular one though: I did read Dopamine Nation, the book Anna Lembke was promoting in doing this podcast. And throughout reading it it made me uncomfortable. I couldn’t quite put the finger on it, but this review put my unease into words:

Lembke’s reasoning has a lot of moral implications that I don’t align or agree with. Also there’s a gross (and I mean really gross) oversimplification of the way addiction in the brain works. With an outcome that is based on a christian, calvinistic morality and outlook on life. And which is, not by coincidence, also the outlook on life the 12-step model is based on. “By the sweat of your brow you will earn your daily bread until you return to the ground”, which is a verse from Genesis very popular with Dutch calvinists, calvinists being the founding fathers of the Dutch Republic in the 16th century. Anyhow. Everybody form your own opinion please, and the podcast series is highly recommended. Thanks @SoberWalker


Thank you! Going into that one as well :grin:

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Thank you for the info Menno. I’ve read the blog about the book you just shared. It doesn’t incourage me to buy it :sweat_smile: But still want to read it sometime to form my own opinion about it.
At that point it even made me more curious about it…


Downloaded to listen to during night shift :raised_hands:

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Thank you for this one. It was a great read, and it made me feel much better about my discomfort with all that personal responsibility / bootstrap rhetoric.


Thanks for sharing this article, a helpful read.

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Some of Lembkes stuff on addiction is really powerful, i found her approach to be very compassionate and didnt pick up /focus on the tones mentioned. I find i take what fits, mull what doesnt and explore which evolves over time. Listening to some of her other podcasts puts alot of dopamine into perspective and as someone with adhd completely makes sense with my brain :brain:


Thank you!

I shall listen to this tomorrow. Will make a change from Recovery Elevator :+1:

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