I think I just relapsed? Or not

Your question was definitely not silly. I applaud you for taking your sobriety so seriously and for turning to us here for help.
You are making smart choices :clap:t2::+1:t2:


A few months ago I posted about something similar. At work, we all have our own paper cup of water/soda laying around during our shift. I grabbed what I thought was mine, took one sip and immediately realized it wasn’t my cup. Then I realized it didn’t taste like soda either. I believe it was some kind of hard cider. (Made me wonder who was drinking on the job :thinking: (Not me anymore!))

People here assured me it didn’t count as a relapse. It was utterly disgusting, left a bad taste in my mouth, and completely unintentional. Everyone’s recovery is unique to oneself. Personally, I’m not strict with food. I drink kombucha and eat tirimisu. There’s no connection between food and alcohol for me (I didn’t eat at all when I drank :roll_eyes:). I feel like the fact this situation has caused you such distress shows exactly how strong your sobriety really is. You’re good man :+1:


Like others have pointed out, there’s no actual alcohol content to be concerned about. I dislike the smell and taste of red wine vinaigrette, though, because it is reminiscent of the real thing for me.

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For me, I always think, would this be in the alcohol aisle at the grocery store? That would be a quick evaluation of it in my mind. Sure there are MANY foods that have traces of alcohol in it that many aren’t even aware of. Even your vanilla coffee creamer at the gas station may have traces. But no one resets after having a cup of coffee. This bottle would be in the salad dressing aisle where a 5 year old could buy it. Don’t let it get to you, you shouldn’t have to reset.


Hope your ok Anthony @Chino.Antrax


First….relapse requires intent. If someone spiked your drink it wouldn’t be a relapse. If you choose to put alcohol in your body then it is.

Second….if this had actual alcohol in it it would not be sold in the salad dressing aisles.

You are SO good!!! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: Don’t stress too much.



I thought I was the only one that didn’t eat when drinking! It wasn’t always like that, it morphed that way over the years, didn’t even realize I was doing it (not eating at all for an entire day), because I still gained weight. :grimacing:


Same. After I relapsed in 2020 I gained 50lbs in 6 months and my insides didn’t work the same at all. I’d be lucky to eat a slice of bread before I started drinking. I was still consuming at least 2,000 calories a day in booze so if I did eat anything (usually garbage fried food and carbs), I was well over my caloric intake for the day. The thought of ever living like that again makes me wince :confounded: