I thought about drinking about a bajillion times yesterday, but I did not do it :)

5 days without a drink… but hardly a waking moment without the thought of one. I exaggerate… About once an hour yesterday.

I got through by repeating mantras to myself mainly… Drinking is suffering for you… That voice asking you to drink is not you…

I’ve been reading The Unexpected Joy of Being Sober and a little on Buddhist practices in recovery (thank you to the person who recommended these) and they are really saving me from the cravings.

I just wanted to share and say I’m still here :slight_smile: And I highly recommend the book I mentioned before, as well as This Naked Mind which I read s few months ago.



GOOD JOB so proud of you​:ok_hand::+1:

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Thats how its done! One day at a time… One hour at a time… One moment at a time. Everytime your successful at fighting the cravings you gain more power, until it gets easier and easier!

Nice! :muscle:

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Yay! Great job! Those mantras were key for me in my sobriety. Eventually my mind started to believe them. Keep repeating them, you’ve got this! It takes 30 days to start a new habit! Keep up the great work. :slightly_smiling_face:

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Great job :metal: keep doing your reading and learning, its going to help you grow so much and learn more about yourself and what addiction truly is. Keep an open mind and stick around, congrats on your 5 days :pray:

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Good work!

Sweet!!! Nice work

Read This Naked Mind again. I read it 3 times in my early sober days and got different things from it each time. Good luck. :four_leaf_clover:


Thank you! I think this is a really good idea. When I first read it, I thought it was (mostly) a revelation, but I hadn’t yet made up my mind about total abstinence. I might take different things from it now.


Great work! :clap:t2::clap:t2::two_hearts: