I want sobriety

New here and I am 25 hours sober. I drank at least 3-4 nights per week. Most times getting black out drunk. My husband might leave me. I’m scared, I do not know if I can do this. I want to but I have tried quitting so many times before.


You can do it Sarah. It will not be easy - it will require more commitment and more courage than anything you’ve ever done before. But you can do it.

Come here, read up, learn, and engage. Keep talking, keep sharing. Make a list of all the pros of not drinking (no shame, no arguments, no trying to piece together your last night, etc). Keep that list close at hand.

Find an AA group, either in person (if they’re open in your area), or online. There are many groups in this thread:
Resources for our recovery

Most important: don’t ever; ever give up. You are a good person who has gotten lost a bit. You can find your way again. Keep calling out, connect with sober people, and build your sober strength. You will get there.

Never give up sister :muscle: :smile:


If everyone quit the first time they wanted to there wouldn’t be any drinkers left😜. It is a rough road for the first 10 days or so but it is totally doable one day at a time. You have the advantage of not being a daily drinker like i was. I failed many times in getting and staying sober.

I listened to audio books and podcasts about alcohol addiction like crazy in the beginning and still listen to podcasts every other day or so now. I read constantly on here as well. I haven’t joined a twelve step program yet but may in the future. I have 218??? Days or something like that now and if my ass can do it do can you! Welcome.


Welcome here Sarah 🙋
This is a great surportive app to be on. You will find a lot of help here! It helped me to be were I am today: 623 days sober.
But it all start at day one, the most important day!
Being here is admitting you have a problem and you want to do something about it. So that’s a hurdle you’ve already taken :confetti_ball:
Don’t be scared! Yes, it’s difficult sometimes but it’s doable! See it as a journey with ups and downs but it leads you to something really good.
It’s worth working hard for, I know it is!
What helped me?
Be here every day, talk to others, use the check in tread to focus on the day.
Make yourself a plan. You can use the search bar above and type in sober plan to find examples of them. A sober plan helps you to overthink what to do when cravings kick in and keep you focussed.
Fill your fridge with healthy foods and alc. free drinks. And don’t forget to buy sweets as well because you will get a sweet tooth when you quit :hugs:
Also important: ask for help when you need it: we’re here for you! :heart:
So don’t pick up the first one but come here to talk!
You have so much to win by quitting, so let’s do this! :facepunch:
Go get that sober life!
It’s waiting for you!!


Hi Sarah… well done for making it this far. I am also a newby to this forum, prob about the same hours at this moment in time as you. Your story is very familiar. I have tried and failed many times, prob drink four days a week, would do more if I could, and it is having a massive impact on my marriage… things are difficult at home currently, husband says he’s struggling with covid and it’s impacts, but I’m fairly sure I am his main problem. I try to cheer him up, I try to change and I think he is as fed up of my failures and false promises as I am. This time, I have chosen not to tell him… yet, I have joined this group (which has been a massive help) and I am feeling positive, actually excited, about the changes that I am making FOR ME. If my past has pushed him too far, I will deal with that later, but I have to change for me. I really hope hearing that we are in similar boats helps in some small way. This will be worth it, and if you feel happy and fulfilled, it will help you to move forward with your relationship. Have a good day. Tx

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