I want to be sober

I love my family but due to drinking problem i become violent and aggressive i do things which are not right.I want to get rid of scotch beer every alcohal mixed drink


Do it!! Dump that shit down the drain, stop buying it, say no when offered, find a program, and hold yourself accountable for sticking to it :blush:


I am trying my best…let’s see

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I used to say I want to be sober and it only got me relapse after relapse. Today I work a program and being of service to my program holds me acountable for my “ACTIONS” I beleave you can.


Not “let’s see”, let’s do it! Give it all you can, because that’s what you need!
You can do it! Give it all!

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If you want to do it, there is only one thing that is stopping you and that is you!
You are the only one who can do this.
There is so much information out there, fii something that fits you.
Try them all, don’t try one and think no it’s not for me and then give up!
Read around on here. There is 1000’s of people’s stories, everyone has the same goal, but we are all doing it differently.

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Just you saying that shows you are willing to change, be proud of yourself

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Do, or do not. There is no “try”.


All the “wants” in the world won’t make it happen. What are you prepared to do?

And welcome!! You can do this!!

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The easy part is saying you will do it. The hard part is follow thru and holding onesself accountable. I believe if you want it bad enough and work at it every day, challenging yourself to be a better person day in and day out, i have no doubt you can and will succeed.

I wanted to quit drinking for months. And months. But I found that I had no self control. I’d tell myself I wouldn’t buy and alcohol tonight. And I would every freaking time. I, too, can become violent and aggressive when I drink. My husband saw it all too often. Realizing that you have a problem is the first and most important step. As alcoholics, we will continue to make excuses…until one day hopefully we won’t. I swore off alcohol on a Friday night and went to an AA meeting that Saturday morning. So far I’m at the end of my 10th day sober. I’ll tell you…it feels great. I still have a lot of work to do, but I’m on my way to being the person I want to be. And not being controlled by my alcohol use. I highly suggest attending a meeting. Or two or three. I’ve been to 9 meeting in the last 10 days. It really helps to be around people that understand your affliction. I wish you all the best. You can do this.


Thanks…you made my day…also i heard this word many times “AA Meeting” on this forum…what is it all about?

Alcoholics Anonymous or AA is an international fellowship of men and women who have had a drinking problem. Their stated purpose is to enable “members to stay sober and help other alcoholics achieve sobriety." It is nonprofessional, self-supporting, and apolitical. The only requirement for membership is a desire to stop drinking.


Dont drink. The only person that can make you drink is you. Thats the bottom line. Do what it takes to stay sober.