I’m 12 hours sober and I want to drink so bad. I have so much crazy shit going on in my life all due to alcohol. I’ve been recently charged with assault, something that happened in a black out. Also I have to get checked for STDs because of the dumb shit I did under the influence. It seems like at the moment the cause and solution to my problems is alcohol. I don’t want it to be either but I feel like I have no other options.
Any advice or thoughts ?
Your guys comments were amazing and I truly appreciate them. But I guess I’m just not strong enough to put the drink down. Im too weak and anxious. And alcohol is the only reprieve, even if it’s for a short time. It’s better then being on edge 24/7 and miserable. Not to mention the withdrawals.
I remember saying that before. ‘Alcohol is the cause and solution to all of my problems’. It certainly seems like that in the moment, but I can tell you alcohol is all problems.
You need to distract yourself, fill the void that drinking time leaves behind. You cannot remove something that has taken up a massive amount of your time, and expect everything to be okay.
You need to defend your sobriety fiercely. Get yourself out of your current state of mind. Get out and walk around the block while you figure out what you’re going to do next. Don’t do nothing except think about drinking, you have to do something until this passes.
What would drinking solve? Absolutely nothing. If you drink enough you will forget your problems until you totally black out and you will have caused another drama that makes you want to drink again. All drinking does is put you deeper in the hole. There isn’t one problem that alcohol didn’t make much much worse.
It’s good your here Tina. Makes me feel you really don’t want to drink. Hang with us instead. Find support, find help. Can’t quit alone. Need to do it together. You’re at a good place for that.
I haven’t had that level of craving alcohol so far, but I have had anxiety bad enough that I thought I couldn’t stand one more second of the pain. At those times I would make a bet with myself that I could keep breathing for 1 more minute, close my eyes, breathe deep and count off the seconds. After 1 minute, I would make the same bet. Then I would keep going until it subsided. Sounds dumb, but telling my brain that I can do anything for just one minute usually did the truck for me.
Welcome! Well done for reaching out to the community. What else are you willing to do to stay sober?
If an assault charge and possible STD aren’t enough to convince you that alcohol is not a solution, ask yourself what would be enough? I’m not being judgemental, we all did dumb shit that’s why we ended up here! The question is- how low do you want to go before you find your rock bottom? Drinking will only take you lower and you know that
Although you may want to drink it’s important to remember that you don’t have to. The choice is yours entirely, to wake up every morning clear head and no worries about what you did the night before
Welcome. Alcohol is definitely not a solution. When you are feeling desperate and ashamed you want to escape. But the escape will likely just cause more problems. When you find yourself in a hole, the first step is to stop digging. You need energy and clarity to deal with all that is going on in your life. What can you do to stay sober? Read some quit lit? Join a program like AA or SMART?
It sounds like alcohol is cause only of those problems, and if you drink, it’s highly likely you just magnify the problems or add a new one. You came here before drinking too, which shows you truly don’t regard alcohol as a wise solution. Stay sober.
I didn’t even think of it that way. There is a lot I can’t do. There is a lot I can’t control in my life right now, the only thing I can do is to show up sober.