I want to drink 🚨

It sucks 28 days today. Its not an intense craving. Im not thinking omg!!! I have to drink!!! Its just an urge… I read alan carrs book about alcohol so i am trying to think of it his way. How i need to be happy i dont drink. An i am i do think its just an addiction thats why i want it and it dosnt help anything. I just am unhappy and hopeless. I know i need to be more productive and stop isolating. I keep telling myself tomorrow tomorrow… But im not living differently yet. Im sad. What would drinking even do??? Id still feel sad. I dont want to wake up tomorrow and want more then more then more everyday. Thats what keeps me from drinking. Its never enough. Its not an escape. Its just a lie.


This! All day long! Great job about coming on here and talking about it. Drinking never does a darn thing! Keep being sober!


If you don’t want to drink, an AA meeting is a good safe place to be. Search for “AA meetings online near…” and then pick a town where you’d want to try. I like meetings in Amsterdam, London, and South Africa. And some of those Australian ones are pretty fun, too. Good on you for reaching out and getting the thoughts out of your head.


You just showed how strong you are by opening up about wanting to drink. That shows your willingness to beat this addiction. Think about if you had a headache and you hit yourself in the head with a hammer. Now you have 2 problems. Drinking is not going to to solve problems it’s only going to add to them. Take it one day at a time, surround yourself with sober people, keep yourself busy and keeping being honest with others/yourself most of all. I know it’s hard to get up and get moving when you feel like it’s Impossible. But you have too, it will get a little easier everyday and those small victories/ accomplishments will turn into big ones. I promise you. Keep fighting, you deserve to be happy and sober. Trust me life is better without alcohol and when you learn to love yourself. It all takes time and us alcoholics we got time! This to shall pass.


Sorry your having some cravings good for you for not falling into them. Keep up the good work. Stay strong.


It’s like that abusive ex boyfriend that tries to lure you in once more. You know he’s not going to be good to you. You know he doesn’t care about you. But I know you know better. Do something else until the urge passes :slightly_smiling_face: 28 days? You got this!


You’re right :innocent:

You know, inside yourself, that this, too, shall pass.

This, too, shall pass.

Life is those waves: up, down, up, down. Through all of them, you are your solid self: steady, like a mountain.

The storms of life blow past you, around you, up and down and fierce and calm and you, forever, are the mountain.

You are the mountain. That is your strength and your salvation. You are deep, deep, down into the earth. You are stable.


I feel better im glad i didnt


Glad u didn’t, just to add there are 24 hour meetings u can jump on if u get thge urge again.

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Where are they?

Online meeting resources


Thanks @Matt I was about to do it and got distracted by putting the kids to bed.


Hang in there it does get easier. I’m almost 10 months sober still have days where I want a drink or think I need one. Getting past the urge is easier at this point. You got this.

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You’re on the right path think about all the good things about not drinking the money you’re saving you don’t feel bad physically you haven’t let yourself down or anyone that’s important to you, you don’t regret doing or something while drinking. Remember there’s No Downside To Not Drinking And That’s A Fact. Being sober is not easy but it’s worth it. I don’t know you but I believe in you hope all is well take care and be safe. Peace


Checking in hope you’re hanging in there and doing better. Take care

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Check what you lost because of drinking
Check what would you lose if you drink
Change your thoughts by sharing it with someone else so you can change what you feel … dont forget step1 is your base

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Thanks it is easier tonight I still havnt🙂


It’s going to get easier,

When I first got out of treatment I got the feel goods pink cloud,

It didn’t last, life smacked me in the face, It was boots on the ground running, I had to take it, like a champ, what did I want to do? Run and hide in a corner drink until it went away, it wasn’t going anywhere, it would only be worse when I resurfaced

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That’s good to hear I’m proud of you keep it up. Peace

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