I want to get sober

Hi there. I have only been sober 14 days now and it’s hard but you cannot give up. I almost did a few times but I keep telling myself that I don’t want to drink anymore and I feel better about myself without it. This group has been a great help to me. I don’t write every day but I do read a lot of the posts on here. It’s a great place. Welcome and don’t give up. We are all here for each other. I have been having trouble sleeping, had brain fog and headaches but I keep trying to push through it. I will not only be better for myself but for my family as well. This is something that helps me say no to alcohol. I hope you find rest soon and keep checking in here. One day, one minute, one second and one step at a time.


Did you manage not to have a drink last night ? I’m starting today

Hey there! I am married to a man who drinks. We have always drank together. It is how we met and bonded. I have felt I have a problem for years and have mentioned it to him but he will never validate. For years I have been secretly dying for him to sit me down and tell me I am an alcoholic. I felt like his identification of my problem would be a catalyst for me to take it seriously and quit. Slowly I realized that day would never come and that I was continuing to hurt myself because I was waiting on someone else to help fix me.

I recognize our situations are not the same but I’m telling you this story because I realized that no one can quit for me. No one is responsible for my drinking OR my sobriety. It is my choice. My decision. My will and my power. It’s not about other people. It’s about me and my health and well being.

It is scary to think about what others will say/do when you change or admit to a problem or go to a meeting. But I can say with :100: honesty that every time people have surprised me for the better and been totally supportive. People genuinely want to help each other. People are inspired by others who take steps to better them selves … in any way.

You CAN do this. It is hard but it is doable. And ultimately it is your choice. I come here every single day and it has proven to be really helpful for me to read what others say and get advice when needed.

We are here for you!


I did have a drink Jess I’m so bad

I’m going to try not to today, Mondays are usually easier :slightly_smiling_face:

Good luck tonight will let you know how I go

I can relate to this! I am a lone wolf most the time when I drink. Many people I surround myself with don’t drink aside from a few friends and family members. I always wondered why I wanted to drink when I was alone. I still haven’t figured it out. With the support of people around me, and the motivation to not want to let most importantly myself down, I’ve managed to have 12 days. Its a start. You can do it too! You will start to see a different light in the world! I am very newly sober but already feel so many benefits.

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Today was my day 1 of sobriety and tonight I have failed

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It’s ok. Tomorrow is a new day.

Don’t beat yourself up, I’ve got to 19.17 tonight and I won’t go to shops now.

One day at a time Jess

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I agree about goong to AA meetings, it’s very nerve-racking to be brave enough to go expose yourself to strangers, especially early on, also don’t like people looking at me, still dealing with the shame of all of my countless failed attempts to get sober. It’s hard, but, I’m glad I found this place! Wish you all the best my friend!

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