I want to recover and am really desperate for it

i always say “any excuse will do” - because it’s true! this time the easy excuse was your birthday, and next time it’ll be something else! you gotta be prepared for that and be the one to step in and say “ahhhh hey i see what you’re trying to do here! not today!” time to take your power back brother :muscle:t4:


Thank you Queen :heart::hugs:


That’s awesome that you can see the danger that will pose.
Rest assured, the date will never match up.
Be ok with that.
You have a new lease on life. Don’t Waste it on what ifs
It will be ok, in fact fun that you can celebrate you being sober

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Congratulations on your 11 months !! You’re an inspiration for people like me to follow. :heart::blush::partying_face::partying_face:


Happy birthday :confetti_ball:. To new beginnings! :people_hugging:

Thank you and you can reach out to me anytime :blush:

@NisON how have things been goin brudda? just checking in with you :smiling_face::raising_hand_woman:t2: