I want to stop Antabuse but I’m anxious 😥

I love your list of reasons. Not to dispute your situation, but my dad relapsed hard when he went off Antabuse. Not trying to deter you from going off it though. The huge difference is your reasons. Initially it was mixup at pharmacy where they didn’t fill it. Dad decided he wanted to drink normally. That of course did not go well. So, your headspace is very different. I’m happy to see you so motivated. You’re working a program. My dad was not. Huge difference. Great progress.


I think that you have put a lot of thought in to this and I don’t think you would be making a mistake by stopping taking them, it’s ultimately your decision which is the only reason I’m not saying go for it and so taking them, I also have first hand experience of alcoholism. You have come on leaps and bounds in the time I’ve been on this app and you seem dedicated to working your programme. You have actually inspired me to think along the same lines regarding removing my safety net which is naltrexone. Nice work. :+1::slightly_smiling_face:


Heh guys all you need is the program,meetings good sponsor and sober network , no need now for anything =else =come to a decision make the right one .Desire and Effort. wish you well