I Want to wake up fresh and not horrible

And here I go again, I think a 12 step program is in need, where do I start


Welcome back!
Here’s a great overview on resources for recovery.


Thank you x


You are welcome! Take it one day at a time and be kind to yourself :people_hugging:

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Laura…something has to change…have you spoken to your partner about the possibility of not drinking around u?

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Going to a meeting is a good start, in person or online.

You will probably be given literature to read and numbers of people to ask questions (if in person).
Online you can dip your toe in and get a feel.

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I said my partner it has to change, he said it was something he wants to do not need, I know I need change desperately now, feel so awful for my children

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Can he stop doing it around u?

Laura, check out both AA and Al-Anon. I’m so excited for you. Willingness is the key, and you got that in spades. We have a Women in AA private group if you would like to join. Let me know.

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Go to a meeting ask for help admitting complete defeat and share.

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I googled AA meetings near me. Works for SMART, and Recovery Dharma as well

Laura, just an observation ive made…you seem to write a thread then kinda disappear for a while again never really talking things through…your missing out on alot of wisdom from those on here with long term sobriety who can potentially help you get to the root of your addiction…

Hi yes I do, not to be ignorant but keeping up with my children :grinning:and life in general

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