I was thinking im strong now

Hello everybody,
This is my first post, and sorry for my english.
Tonight i made a mistake, i was thinking i can deal With 2 or 3 drinks , and my addiction took a step ahead. I was 8 months sober, i was proud of me , and now i feel very bad…everything is broken , its such a shame


How quickly we shame ourselves! The reality is you conquered 8 months! Just come back, reset and breathe. Find your reason why again, maybe its changed in 8 months:-) Yesterday was yesterday and you have a new dawn to look forward to!


I found myself being scared of alchohol now after first recollapse I knew I will never be able to drink again
I guess one glass is still safe zone but don’t assume one more glass next weekend will be fine too Sind glass next weekend or next month is a red zone
Stay strong alchohol is illusion of happiness just take a step back and remember how alchohol ruins life and remember only bad things about it I’m sure you will be good don’t feel ashamed of it is a process everyone makes mistakes but is important not to repeat them again


You should focus on the positives instead of the fact that you have relapsed. When you decide to perpetuate the negative ideas, that is how the cycle continues. Take what you have learned from your 8 months and start again tommorow. Good luck, you got this


You are strong because you are here :heart:

Thank you for sharing, You’ve certainly come to the right place. Here people know how you are hurting because they’ve lived it too. And we are all here to help you get through it.

8 months is a tremendous achievement, should be proud! YOU DID THAT and you can do it again. Be kind to yourself, forgive and heal. Drink plenty of water, have a shower, cook a good meal, be good to you. And if you’re struggling, we are here for you :heart:


You are not the first person, nor the last person to do this.

Now you know, move forward and get better


Poor any booze away, dust yourself off and start again. Those 8 months are not wasted they are the foundations…stand up tall and continue your sober journey! We are here for you my friend. Be kind to yourself :two_hearts::pray:t2:


It’s not!
In those 8 months you’ve learned a lot! That’s still inside you. And even from this relapse you can learn.
Now you know you can’t have “just one”.
I was sober for 5 years and then thought I was “cured”. Well you know now where that ended :pensive:
I’m 2 years sober again, you can do that too.
You know what works for you, so do it again!

3 steps forward and 2 backwards is still forward
So keep going!


Thanks a lot everybody for your Words of encouragement, it gave me strenght to restart again and to think in a positive way, and not to blame myself too much, as you sais, not all is lost, those 8 months are Still here, and i ve learned a lot from my relapse.
Again , thanks everybody for your Kind words, im very happy to have find such a support in my long journey of abstinence.
Lots of love.


Glad to see you here today Vincent. Shows me how you really want this, how you own your mistake and how you are willing to work on staying sober again. Also glad you’re here because together we are stronger. Together we can do this. Congrats on being sober friend. Un jour à la fois.


RESILIENCE, remember? The shame, remorse and guilt will keep me in the viseous cycle. So, first things first… don’t be so hard on yourself. You know your capable. Just stay close to supportive people ( which your doing ) and do something you enjoy, something creative that makes you focus and become mindful. It works for me. If I let my mind wander or start spinning thought after thought, it never ends well. Im really proud of you that you are reaching out. It tells me that you have the willingness it takes, Dear.