Most of us have slightly anonymous usernames, but have you ever Googled your TS name and checked what showed on the first page of results?
We can forget that web scrapers and the like are continuously gathering public data. If you use the same username across multiple sites it may be possible to link a lot of identity building details together.
I Googled mine and was pleased to see some musician with the same handle filling up page after page. My TS self has a thankfully small digital footprint.
So… Give yourself a quick Google, check what kind of footprint you are leaving and if you are happy with that.
Have you Googled your TS handle?
Yes - I’m mostly invisible
Yes - there are a few mentions, but I don’t mind
Yes - holy cow, I’m famous! Entries everywhere
No - I’ve never considered it
No - but I think I might… be right back
No - but I do use my handle on other sites so maybe for safety I should check what’s up
However, I am fully aware of what is public about TS and what isn’t and my username isn’t tied to my identity other than what someone might mine from my posts about where I live and whatnot. I think.
But higher profile liv’s will also take priority in the search algorithm.
Google looks at how many interconnects it can make to the same known thing and prioritises those as being of greater importance. So, if another liv has insta/Facebook/Twitter etc and has a lot of posts and other links back to those profiles (ie others’ linking to that profile or retweeting etc) then it is ranked really high and your little old liv gets low priority and you disappear down the page rank. That’s a highly simplified explanation though.
Mine just has bunch of links for the English language. However, Googling my actual name usually brings up a hit or two on the first page (at least when I do it)