I'm 5 days clean from all substances

I’ve been struggling with a relapse lately and after a meeting at a rehab place I chose to try and kick the habit again and I’m 5 days clean now. It’s still tempting to text my dealer again but first of all I know I don’t have the money for drugs and secondly I feel kinda motivated to stay clean. My care team are still figuring out the technicalities of getting me into a rehab program, I might end up hospitalized for a month, and I might even get a housing arrangement so I can finally leave my abusive ex, so I feel pretty good about myself. Also I predict that in a few months from now I’ll finally stabilize financially which makes me feel good too. I just need to stick to staying clean and not buy more drugs even if I want to or feel like I need them.

To add to that I overheard my ex speaking to his own carers, he was talking about finding me high and I THINK I heard he wants to involve police so on top of staying clean for my own sake I also threw out any leftover drugs that I had, mostly weed, so if the cops do come they won’t find anything incriminating in my possession. I think it’s pretty fucked that my ex (might) want to involve police in this, as if my life wasn’t hard enough already…But anyway, yeah, 5 days clean and counting.


That sounds like a tough situation but glad to hear your about to be in a better place. Maybe delete the dealers number and block it so that won’t be a temptation. Either way hang in there and things will get better in due time. You got this

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Nice one @VxnaSxra! Alex, you’ve begun working on your sobriety and reaching 5 days is fantastic. To give yourself a better chance at staying sober, I would take @Jackwoulf’s advice and cut all connection with your dealer or anyone who might supply you with your DOC (Drug Of Choice). Keep chatting here, as there are loads of people who can offer support. You’ve got this!

Proove your ex wrong.
See yourself as a fenix, you rise from the ashes!
Burn the old stuff behind you. Your ex, your dealer, your drugs, all the bad.
Focus on the new you and rehab, the caretakers, new home and build a new life for yourself.

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