I was an IV user and im at my doctor appt. Ive identified that i still struggle with not using syringes. They will draw blood from me. What to do?
I can absolutely relate to ur struggles here. When i quit using IV drugs and needed to get blood drawn, i remember the first time tearing up in the doctors office bcuz the triggers and sights and smells were so overwhelming. I closed my eyes and focused on deep breathing. That helped alot. It didnt completely get rid of the trigger but it certainly helped
I’m send you strength. Can you focus with your whole mind on the reason you are there?
You are getting blood drawn. You know that drawing blood is necessary for your health. It is NOT the same thing that you did when injecting a nasty poison that you used to use for escape. Breathe through this procedure and afterward when that wolf of addiction knocks on your door, tell him to fuck off . Don’t let him win, he’s probably making you scared right now. come here as often as you need to or reach out to whoever you find helpful. You can get through this, you’re not alone!
Hey Alyssa, how are you doing? All good?