Im back again

Hi everyone, im back again! Its been a failure of a few months. I keep finding myself going in circles. I think the longest stretch i had was 10 days but since then not come close since. It seems like every day is a fresh start and almost an instant failure its exhusting watching myself do these mental gymnastics throughout the day.

I have come to an understanding that my main problem is loneliness and boredom any tips on dealing with boredom especially?


Hi Lauren, well it’s great to have you back :raised_hands:

So what’s your new sober date? You should update it to give yourself a starting point. Keep checking in with us daily, and make sure you seek support every day, but especially when things get hard.

Well, start thinking of ways to combat your boredom. You need to replace the time you normally spend on your DoC, you can’t remove it and do nothing. Make plans every day to fill that time. Go see family or friends. Go to the cinema. Take a class in something. Go to the gym. There are a million and one things you can do today that isn’t drinking / using. You have to be proactive about it, or you will go straight back to your default.

We are here for you too :people_hugging:


For boredom, I planned out my days. I left no empty time. Of course you need to plan rest, but even decide what Netflix you will watch and when. I also joined online clubs (you could do exercise classes, music classes irl, see what is in your area).

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I fully understand its like a circle feel better then boom I’m right back in a horrible place again, strength sent to you

Be more present on here youl learn loads and get support, vent here BEFORE you pick up

Hey @Lozza boredom and lonliness were my biggest triggers too. I surrounded myself with sober people in the rooms of AA. it was a gamechanger. I hope you consider the option