Well I’m back… I drank Friday night and most of the end of the night was a blur… I was mean to the one person that didn’t deserve to be treated that way and that’s why I don’t wanna drink like that anymore… I want to get sober and do better… I feel awful and I hate myself for the way I treated that person… I’m not a bad guy I know it but I feel like it… so much guilt and shame that I feel… I hate this feeling but I know it’ll pass and all I can do is be better and work through all this…
Welcome back Joe! Sounds like u had a rough night on friday. Hope things are repairable btwn u and the other person. Stay connected to us all and check in often
@JGonzalez9 Hi! Welcome! Glad to hear you are trying again. People sometimes do things they regret, but, the good thing is we can learn from it and perhaps try to do better. Reach out if you need support, just get things of your chest or share your progress. We are all here for you
Welcome back bro. It’s happens, it sucks, but it’s about what you do after. Set your intentions and commit. I went 8 months sober and fucked up and wound up drinking all summer. I’m approaching 7 days at Midnight after being a POS all summer. What I can say is that not drinking takes no action at all bro. In fact it takes inaction. Just DONT DRINK. When a situation or event is driven by alcohol, refrain or remove yourself so that you DONT DRINK. You got this man. One day at a time! Welcome back!
Thank you Dana Yeah we’re working things out… I’m just trying to take it day by day and allow myself to get through all this and just be better. I appreciate you, thank you so much
Thank you Solange, I really appreciate you And yes I agree… especially while intoxicated we do things we regret especially because we’re not thinking clearly but I’m definitely trying to be better and learning from all this… Thank you again
Thank you bro, glad to be back… definitely trying to be better and do better after all that happened man… you’re right “it’s what you do after” thank you for that reminder and for all the support, I really appreciate it. You’re right, I’ll definitely remember that and just remove myself from that situation because it’s so easy to get tempted and say fuck it… but I don’t wanna risk losing anyone over that. You got this too bro and congrats on 7 days one day at a time
Welcome back, @JGonzalez9, so sorry to hear alcohol ruined your night Is there anything we can do to help you with your current effort?
Ah @JGonzalez9 I feel you mate because this is exactly me. This was me this time last week. Now I am full of guilt and regret.
It is the addition mate. Try not to be to hard on yourself and work on your sobriety. Let the results speak for themselves.
welcome back home friend ! i recently had to start over too, friday actually. i had stopped using my DOC’s a couple years ago, but i held onto weed til friday. the guilt of who i am now and the desire to be better helped me come back too. but i’m gettin sidetracked, i wanted to let you know that you’re in the right place with the right people, and we can all get through this as a unit ! keep sharing your thoughts here man, it helps us all <3 best wishes to you and i hope you’re well :]
Its hard to let addiction of any kind go. Alcohol is an entire beast of its own. Its available everywhere and socially acceptable. I hit 1 year of sobriety today and went to walmart to get some groceries and find something nice for myself, just as a little gift and went to get some juice. Found myself surrounded by two aisles of beer and wine. Its hard out there. Even for people who have been and stayed sober. You’ll get there. Its a process. Believe in yourself.
Hi Mr. Gonzalaze! You sound just like me when I made my introduction post! And guess what I just spent the whole weekend high on amphetamines (my drug of choice) I know it’s defeating but remember there was a point in time when you didn’t care about how drunk you got! There was a point when you wouldn’t even admit to yourself that you have a problem! You’ve already decided you want to stop! If you truly me and what you’re saying, which I believe you do, it’s only a matter of time before you have just enough willpower to say no even when you really wanted to say yes! Then you start to have days when you’re not even tempted! And then, finally, I believe you’ll reach the days were even when you’re tempted you won’t even hesitate to turn the drinks down! I believe in you because I believe in myself because I believe we were created with intention and given a purpose! We weren’t just put here on earth to just serve ourselves until we’ve poisoned ourselves to death!
Glad to be back friend, thank you that’s exactly how I feel, the guilt is what makes me wanna do better and get back on track as well so I know what you mean, I’m glad you can relate but also sorry you can relate… I agree, and I’m glad to be here and i appreciate you so much thank you again for your kind words, they mean a lot I will definitely stay in touch with you and everyone here
It really is everywhere we go and it’s so normalized and all you see everyone doing on the weekends or for holidays and everything else… but I wanna do better and be stronger when it comes to it. I know I can… also happy 1 year, I’m proud of you and so happy for you I hope I can get there and know the great feeling of being sober and not letting it take over anymore…
Thank you bro, i appreciate you and I hope you know you got this and you aren’t alone. One day at a time and we’ll be okay
It takes time and its a STRUGGLE. The fact of the matter is, I dont think it will ever be natural for people like us to not drink, i dont know that it will ever even be second nature to be sober. But i know that its a choice we have to make every single day, sometimes several times a day. But as you see your life and your relationships changing…that choice gets easier and easier.
Welcome back
Hi @JGonzalez9, forgive yourself for Friday night, forgiving yourself is key to moving forward. welcome back into the fold with us im glad your here. @teefgub well done putting down the weed it’s not an easy one and a whole host of people don’t realise this . you will start enjoying your true sobriety now not everyday but it’s great having a clear head and making better decisions
Hi @JGonzalez9 how are you doing
I’d be happy if I was you/ first of all I don’t think many real alcoholics haven’t had a relapse and secondly you came back. Every time I relapsed I would think ‘well you blew it so you mind as well keep drinking because you are back to day 1 anyways .’ And always 4 weeks later I’d have ruined tons of things around me and would be on the couch with a liquor bottle in my boxers just angry. So welcome back. No one is counting really .