Im back on day 1

Guys I need help and support. I fell off the wagon so to speak. I have started to drink a bit not alot of drinks but it has been every day for about a week, 3-6 cans daily. I just woke up and its 2:06 am. Im shaking my head thinking “what am I doing? Your an alcoholic Julia you cant do
This moderatly!” I really need some help and motivation to not pick up a drink tomorrow. This is the only place I can get that support. Can you guys help me get through tomorrow? I need your strengths. I can feel im slipping :sleepy:


I feel you need to find the strength inside yourself. Hoping we can help you with that a little bit Julia, because it’s true we can’t do it alone. Hang with us. A lot. Communicate. Connect. Come online and talk to us when you wake up. And come here throughout the day. As often as it takes. We got you when you let us. Let’s do this! Love and hugs friend :people_hugging: :heart: :people_hugging:


It sounds like you have your mind going in the right direction. But old habits are hard to break. One thing to keep in mind, and you can Google this, is the “kindling effect.” Each time we quit, the withdrawals are worse and worse. Actually, the first time I quit was during my heaviest drinking . I barely had withdrawals at all. The time after time it gets more difficult. I heard somebody say one time that relapse is part of recovery. There’s definitely some truth in this, I will tell you this, the benefits of sobriety, really come after having quite a bit of time sober. In other words, it gets better and better if you keep sober keep coming back, we are all in this together! Best wishes, Bobby


:people_hugging: of course we will :heart: You can do this today, right now, an hour or minute at a time. Check in a lot and grab onto the hands extended to you. You don’t have to live this way anymore. We are here and we care. You deserve so much better and sober is the way.


The fact that you know you have a problem with alcohol is the biggest step! Congratulations! Now you just have to find your way to your path to leaving it behind. There are 24 hour zoom AA meeting both traditional (religious) and secular (non religious). There is also a book and online community that has nothing to do with AA called “this naked mind” by Annie Grace which is wonderful.


Glad you came here. What additional tools do you need to add to your sober toolbox? Keep at it, make adjustments, your strength is within yourself, as Menno said. :heart::peace_symbol: