I'm desperate for sex

I know what AA says, but I’m not in AA. I am working on sobriety, but I need to have sex. I dont need booze or drugs, but I crave the rush.

AA sais not to get involved with someone romantically too early. I don’t think that is your problem. It sounds like your problem is masking whatever pain it is you’re trying to escape with sex, just like other ppl or maybe you also do w alk and drugs. The craving and compulsion you describe give me that idea.
Using the sexual rush and therefore other ppl to medicate your pain is unhealthy and unethical. Also it’s its own addiction. Ever considered joining SA? Could be you find you can relate to ppl.


Actually, you don’t. No human needs to have sex, in a fundamental way. We need to breathe and we need water and basic food, and our hearts need to beat. Sex, on the other hand, is not that fundamental. It is a choice.

The more interesting question is what you want to do about this. Do you want to be free from this obsession?

If you’d like to chat we can chat in a PM. I have experience facing this question.

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I agree with Matt above.

Sex is not a need. It’s a want and the longer one is able to abstain we start realizing that it was never a need.
It was always a want that we turned into a need by obsessing over it.

We have a lot of people here trying to recover from sexual addictions. Welcome

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