Im feeling hopeless

Quitting on our own usually doesn’t end up working. There are MANY options out there for help. You just gotta reach out! There is AA, NA SMART recovery, self help, inpatient detox and rehabilitation facilities… there is this forum which is really nice because you can connect with all of us in recovery and sharing what works for us! You wont know what option works for you however untill you reach out and try some. You’ve made big strides by being on here so far though! Good on you for seeking advice :slight_smile: I hope you can find all you need on here. May I suggest what has worked for me personally?

I first went though detox and found NA while I was there. The NA program is good even for people who have a drinking problem. We consider alcohol a drug. Youd be very welcome there and be surrounded by other addicts who have been where you’re at and have turned their lives around. If it weren’t for NA I wouldn’t be here today.

I’ve also been to rehab which is awesome and I attend AA as well twice a week along with my NA meetings 3 times a week!

What has worked best for ME in all of the diffrent methods I’ve mentioned is the group support and shared experience strength and hope I get out of group therapy! It really works wonders just knowing I’m not alone and hearing what others like myself are doing to keep clean and sober :slight_smile:


The sober school-
Another online resource to explore- I have found the blogs helpful I guess maybe mostly for recognizing I am not unique in this problem and that helped with the self loathing and guilt.


Yep it’s that pill- I take every morning as soon as I wake up. I’m having cravings now and I know I cannot drink even if I decided too- and trust me you don’t even want to attempt trying to drink on this


I will have to check it out.

Not sure if you live in a populated area, but many places have young people meetings. They are very welcoming. I think you would enjoy one.

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You can also go to online meetings at They also have other forums to register too if you interested in SMART Recovery on thier website. The more you do and effort you put in will be as much as you get out of it. Actions speak louder then words…


Hi andrea. I’m so sorry for the loss of your mom. I can not imagine that at such a young age. Its heartbreaking.
I’m glad you found us at such a young age. Quiting is hard work but your doing great. AA, this app and talking to my dr really helped in the beginning. I took naltrexone for a month or two, you will get sick if you drink while taking it. I know I tried to drink the day after taking it.
I also read this naked mind. I think they have a podcast too. It changed my thoughts on alcohol.
I can’t wait to hear how your first meeting goes. I love your postive thoughts about your day off, attending your first meeting.
Please keep posting and reading. Your postings helps not only you but others including, me stay sober.
You just can’t drink for today. Dont worry about tomorrow until tomorrow.