Im here again!

Just dropping a line to say hi…im back again for the 3rd and hopefully last time!!! On day 5 …any advice would be great! What can i drink to replace alcohol? Anything to do to smooth the cravings…?? Thanks all


Welcome back.
Congratulations on your 5 days.
One big tip. ASK FOR HELP WHEN YOU’RE STRUGGLING. We can’t do this alone. I know I couldn’t.

Gosh. I didn’t know this list was so long. Lots of good stuff on there.

Thought this list might benefit you too @Mama4994
I hope you’re having a good day 6. That first week sucks. We got your back. :pray:t2::blush:


I think it kind of depends on what your preferred alcohol was. Cans or bottles of flavored carbonated water are good to replace beer and seltzer. It keeps a lot of the same habits- volume, opening the containers, the carbonation, just without the alcohol.

Giving up wine, I liked tart cherry juice. A similar feel in your mouth, with the added benefit of making you sleepy. It took some of the edge off in the evening.

If social drinks are your thing, a million mock-tail recipes are out there. I am happy to buy them when I am out to dinner, but too lazy to make them for myself at home.

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Thank you for your tips :slight_smile:

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Thank you soo much

Well done on 5 Days. Personally i would stay out of situations where i need to even consider an alternative drink to Alcohol. Early on in your journey bulid up your resolve to stop by avoiding temptations or situations that trigger your drinking. By the time you have got some control over your triggers you will have worked out whats best for you as an alternative to Alcohol. Try water and plenty of it for now. Stay strong and stay Sober.

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I think your right! I picked up some bubly pop so i will stick to that :slight_smile: