I'm in hell

That’s what I did in the Summer’s as a kid in Boston. No AC. Just a wet sheet and a fan.

I spent 6 months on the Saudi/Kuwaiti border, cooking. Being hot is quite relative, now.


I imagine it would be :weary:! I remember 1 summer when the kids were little living in Penrith where every day was over 41 and we were living in a little fibro crapshack with a tin roof, not even a single tree in the yard for natural shade! No aircon obviously, that was for the rich. So it was wet towels and sheets in front of the fan and fill the bath at the beginning of the day with cold water so we cld all get in an out of it all day, fully clothed mind you and walk around in the wet clothes till they dried then jump in again lol. Luckily we didn’t have any carpet!

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Damn you all and your warm climates :joy:

Although snuggling up in blankets with a hot water bottle to keep you cosy in the cold is quite nice.

It was 49 C some days as we waited for the “balloon to go up”. Worst part was when we’d have to don our Chemical suits and gas masks. I saw Marines literally freak out, wearing those things. We’d spend a week or 10 days “forward”, living in fighting holes, then rotate back for a shower, some chow, some clean clothes, sleep on a cot with a fan blowing. 2 or 3 days, and back “forward”.


I live in the south with ridiculous humidity and hot summers. My house was built in the 1940s, and we don’t have air conditioning. Nights here consist of opening all the windows, using a spray bottle to dampen the top sheet and turning on a fan.:snowman_with_snow:

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I wish i knew about the damp sheet trick when i was a kid in my parents non air conditioned house.

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I have never heard of that either!? Hope that trick doesn’t catch on, or we’ll be outta business :smile:


It works great, but you while you are cool, you still feel kinda clammy.


I would wet a sheet and make an “air tunnel” with a window fan sitting on the floor, with clothes pins to secure it to the fan. Tuck the sides under your body and leave the end open.

@Yoda-Stevie - you just changed life as I know it! :two_hearts:

Homeowners insurance is sending someone out Thursday. In the meantime I’ve been blessed with some cooler than usual weather.