I'm in such a foul mood

I’m in such a foul mood right now. I already overate on all kinds of things and this obviously did nothing for my mood. In fact it just made it worse, cause I now have to reset my counter and I feel stuffed like a turkey. I feel like acting out in some way just to make this feeling go away.
I really don’t know what to do now…


Im so sorry ur not feeling urself and Im sorry u have to reset ur timer :frowning: i know what helps me when i have overate/binged and feeling physically ill, is a nice hot shower. Its not going to do any good to be hard on urself bcuz that can keep the behaviour going. But know that u can start from this very moment and get back on track :slight_smile: i usually drink alot of water and have a shower, a good rest, and make a plan for what i can do differently next time. It just takes time for the body to feel “normal” okay instead of feeling super overfull. Sending strength and big hugs ur way


Alright so your in a foul mood and ate a bunch of stuff n thats ok we all get days like this, accept how you feel, its ok to not feel ok sometimes…be kind to yourself and do something you find comforting and this will pass, tomorrrow is a new day my friend :heart: :people_hugging:


I’m in a foul mood right now myself. Think I’ll head over to the conglomerated list of things that can FRO for some release! I don’t want to make light of your situation though. Please know that I feel for you. I am a stress eater. I was raised in a family where my mom was addicted to eating and my dad was an alcoholic. So I used both strategies when stressed. Ate plenty of junk food and drank alcohol. Having quit the alcohol, now I only use junk food for comfort. Realizing that pattern is only part of the battle, but goddammit … sometimes I just go back to that old familiar thing. It sucks.


Whats bugging u Aga? Sometimes a good vent helps…

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My hormone levels are all over the place and they cause awful and very intense mood swings all day long. It’s very exhausting. This has been going on for days now. Today was the first day I finally felt better and somewhat stable and then everything just went to awful in the evening again. Which on top of the bad mood itself made me extremely resentful cause I wanted to finally feel better.


Im sorry your going through that, that must be really hard, is there anything medically they could do for you?

Thank you. I’m already getting hormone replacement therapy. But right now the fluctuations are so intense it’s hard to find a dosage that works.

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Well i hope they get this figured out for you very soon i cant imagine how hard that must be… keep venting to us if it helps we are here for you :heart: :people_hugging:

Many thanks for all your support yesterday. You helped me to find some emotional stability in a moment of chaos :pray:t2: Today is much better and that gives me hope.