I'm just starting my journey

July 7, 2024
Has anyone else started recently?


Welcome @dvidro congrats on making the decision to change. Recovery can do amazing things


Welcome Donnie, I find it difficult to nail down a date for when I “started” - it’s been a journey, it started back in (roughly) 2015, and it’s been gathering steam since then. It has involved a lot of counselling and group work.

If “started” is defined as sober-days-in-a-row, then it has been sporadic. I’ve had 6 months; I’ve had 6 hours. I am struggling to string together sober days at the moment.

Welcome to Talking Sober!


Two and a half months for me! Sober date is April 20th. Feeling better about life than ever before.


Sobriety for me has definitely been a journey.I’ve had my ups and I damn sure have had my downs.Everytime I start taking steps towards whatever milestones I have set its like I become locked in what I call my blue little bubble; I ride that out until life shows up and treats my perfect blue little balloon like a carnival game.As long as I dont pick up anything then the darts just bounce off and the house keeps collecting money.If I take that first hit or sip my bubble bursts and I start spitting out prizes like a pinata.As much information I have retained during this journey it seems the more that I learn its the less I know.Which for me makes everyday an adventure worth exploring.Really my sobriety date is feb 19th of last year.I have signed up for the lifer program so I really do not count days.All I have is the moment.Yesterday came and went and tomorrow isnt promised.As long as I continue to identify with other addicts/alcoholics see the similarities not the differences no matter if they have 6hours or 60 years,then im reminded im only as good as my last run and its like im starting all over again…basicly you are in a good place.you arent alone.stick around for a little while who knows what may happen.I know this has helped me remain sober and really has helped me sort through a few things,but i had to get involved.


Hi Donnie and welcome :raising_hand_woman:
This app is a huge part of my recovery. Sober for a few years now and life is good.
Becoming sober wasn’t an easy thing to do and staying sober has difficulties to get trough too.
But it’s all worth the hard work because my life is so much better then it was!
Surf around here on the forum, there is so much information to find here. You can use the search bar above to find all the older threads if you like.
My addiction is alcohol, what’s yours?


I’m also new in here. Now I’m on a day one from booze, pills and weed. Life feels miserable and hopeless, but luckily I have this community for support. I won’t give up, I wanna live sober life. Back in the days I was 5 years sober, so I know I can do it. One day at a time.


27 days today still pretty fresh but getting easier


Been an 1 hour. My little timer just notified me.

Back again. Same ole addictions but new lease on life by making the choice to change & to recover with sobriety.

A journey starts with a single step.

Here’s that single step.


The way i see it is if I can stay sober now then I can get loaded later.Which later never comes because i am always in the now…get me…so if at this moment you are sober then there isnt any question weather or not you can do it because as long as you are right now sober then you are already doing it…the more I practiced that routine the less it sucked.Before I knew it I went from homeless at a bus stop to working for the government in a hospital.Life is sooo much better once I took the power away from my DOC applied half the energy i did into getting loaded into my recovery and allowed my higher power to take care of the rest.Remember you do not have to fight.As long as you havent picked up now then the battle already has been won


Just starting today. I’ve had MANY starts, but I want to be DONE. So this is the first time I looked to help outside of myself, because clearly I can’t do it alone


Great first start! Welcome! You are amongst people who understand what it’s like and who are continuing on the beatened path of sobriety. You can do this.


What is your Recovery Program?

Have you had a professional substance use disorder assessment? This tells you what you have and how bad it is as well as what resources you need to use to get well.

I’m 10 days sober


Yes. Only a few days. Difficult to forget cravings.


Welcome Donnie! Recovery has definitly been a journey for me. Great decision on starting urs :slight_smile: