I'm my own worst enemy how do I do this?

How can one substances have such control over my life. Why can’t it be easy I know it’s wrong I know no good comes from it but I still make excuses to why I need it…
I know I need to be stronger but I just feel so weak.
I know I have only myself to blame if I could go back and say no and never started I would in a heartbeaat what I would do to go back to the women I was before this.


This is one of the cunning, baffling, and powerful tactics of addiction. Our minds literally lie to us, telling us we need it, making excuses for our using, tells us we can’t cope without it. They truly are lies. I felt very weak when it came to drugs. They had control over me like nothing I’ve ever experienced. But we are much more powerful than we think and we DO have the choice wether we use or not. We have to challenge our thinking and try other ways to deal with our triggers. It’s great that ur talking about it on here. Addicts helping addicts is crucial for our recoveries


When things are going good I feel strong enough, but as soon as my life hits a speed bump I become weak and give in and make an excuse. I feel alone all the time as I can’t talk to family and friends about it because if they new I had this addiction I don’t think they would understand people that havent lived it don’t understand.

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That’s what the addiction does. There are places where you can get the support you need. Until you find it, it’s one day at a time. You can’t change the past, but you can ruin today worrying about tomorrow.


This point right here.

You can become a better version of yourself. Just make the decision to stop. Stick to it. Do not question your decision, stick to your guns and shut down the addictive voice instantly, as soon as it tries to barter with you, the answer is no.

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Let go of your past

Accept that you cannot drink or take drugs

Surrender to the fact that you are an addict.