I'm new to the community how is everybody

So the 25th of January marks my 4 month milestone. I was addicted to crystal meth and I was in a very low dark place in my life and by the grace of God I’m still here and breathing!! I could not have done it without him for sure so I really don’t talk to anybody anymore cause once I got clean I had no friends anymore. Can y’all tell me a little bit about you all and how long you been clean you all are amazing your strong your worth it and you got this never ever doubt that much love :two_hearts:


Glad you’re here @AsHlEY777

Welcome to the TS family.

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Thanks so much

Congratulations on the 4 months clean Ashley.
I’m glad you found us. I found this app 4 years ago and I haven’t touched a drink since. Usually I hang out on the gratitude thread to express my gratitude of a beautiful life sober and read and soak up others who are grateful for much of the same. Have a good read around. Find some threads that interest you in your recovery and join in when you’re comfortable. And there’s lots of fun threads too like pets and nature and humorous memes.
I hope to see you around this very caring clean and sober community.


Welcome to the community Ashley - so happy that you are here with us and looking forward to celebrating your 4 months with you. Excellent work on your sober time!

I was fortunate enough to find this community early in my recovery from alcohol and weed. I just celebrated my 13 months on the 21st. I have been free from cigarettes for over 2 years now. Each day is a blessing and i am working on learning how to live life without any substance support.

A lot of great support and amazing advice here and you are among those who understand the grips of addiction. Looking forward to seeing you around the threads.


Thank you so much :pray::pray: I just realized that they had this community thing where you can talk about diff stuff and I think it’s great thanks for the kind words your amazing so proud of you


Yes this app is amazing I love it so much thank you for your kind words your doing amazing keep it up :100:


How long before I can add a photo

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Welcome Ashley! Congratulations on ur upcoming 4 months clean! My name is Dana and ive been clean for 709 days off of crack cocaine. Its been many ueara since i touched crystal meth and i remember how hard it was to be free from it. Ur on the right path! I too believe in God and am grateful to be alive today. He changed my life! Im glad ur here. Looking forward to seeing more of ur posts :slight_smile:


It’s tough but I’m tougher for sure I had to change the people I hung out with and places I would go where I knew it was easy access I’m loving life for sure!!! If you have tik tok you should go check out my videos ashleymitchell896


Maybe a day or 2. It doesn’t take long.
I don’t know if it gives you the exact answer you’re looking for here. But……


Thank you so much

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Hello and welcome to the family :blush:
Lovely to have you here with us. I’m looking forward to the photos… can’t be long.
Hope to see you around on all those different threads.


I can’t wait to post my sobriety I see a huge change physically and mentally I love life sober :muscle::heartpulse:

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@AsHlEY777 Welcome! I just celebrated 7 months AF. I’m currently celebrating 220 days sober. I found this community by Devine guidance. I truly believe that. This is a family and there is always someone online to support you. Congratulations on 4 months!


Congrats to you as well and thank you so much

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Lovely to meet you Ashley - great to have you here with us :hugs:

Hi, im jesse im new two ive been on this app for about a week so far. Today is was my quit day. Ive been addicted to methamphetamines off and on now for 6 years and im struggling. The withdrawals are horrible and im afraid. How did you do it? What got you through? Did you have withdrawals? How do you just say no? Im tempted all the time, people, places, and things right. Well im trying like hell to get rid of the people but they dont seem to take me seriously. But im trying. I would love to talk to you more about how you said no. I would love to hear how all of you got to where you are today. Good luck with your sobriety.


It’s been a journey for sure and I’m here for you if you ever need anybody I literally had to move out of my hometown I’ve gotten sober a few times and was able to stay sober for only a short period because people that were supposed to be my friends would come and offer it to me it’s mainly the people and place well it was for me anyways but it could be diff for you ya know!! Once I was sober a week and got all my sleep in I was good I felt great my only withdrawals was sleeping and eating nothing major but I’m here if you need somebody to talk to or an ear to listen your amazing you got this :muscle::pray::heart: