I'm not out of ideas yet! But I could use some suggestions ๐Ÿ˜…

Well, it certainly does sound like you turned your heartbreak and relapse around for the better. :grin:

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in the beginning i went to meetings daily, did a self-discovery workshop or 3, lots of zoom workouts and meditations. i jumped on just about any mental wellness โ€˜21 days of meditation, etc.โ€™

now that iโ€™ve built up a good toolkit for sobriety - i read a lot, spend 2+ hours most mornings taking care of or riding my horse, long walks with my dog and staying calm by (nearly) nightly self care rituals, taking on new projects at work (the projects at work bit helps me feel needed, focused and energized 9-5). itโ€™s really evolved for me and been less sobriety-focused (daily meetings, for example). if youโ€™re at the beginning of your road to sobriety, i would highly suggest the 90 meetings in 90 days. that kept me busy in mind and body. i credit that to a huge part of my success in recovery.

good luck to you, steve! :heart:

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So true! Working hard.


Yes, Iโ€™ve just started doing the 90 in 90 and a lot of the time I double up on daily meetings. You sound like you got a good thing going. I hope to get there one day. Thanks for the help.

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Yes! Lots of reading and cooking shows. Iโ€™ve really got into them since the pandemic started.

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And theyโ€™re is so many now!

Please record and share your karaoke with us :heart_eyes:

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Cooking things you normally buy
Talking to friends.

Working even more would distance me more from myself. I mean after a while I had to go into: I cannot keep running away from me and my inner problems for my whole life.


Become a part time ninja :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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:joy::rofl: I might scare you all!

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There are lots of good apps / sites to use for languages.
italki.com is a great site for languages, either for lessons or just conversations (paid, but inexpensive)
There are lots of others too, just do a bit of creative browsing on the internet

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the number one method for learning a language is WANTING toโ€ฆ for whatever reason.
As I told the other bloke, there are lots of good internet sites, and inexpensive too.
italki.com is the one that I use very regularly for my Japanese lessons.
Though my Spanish isnโ€™t fluent (language 6), Iโ€™m getting a lot better at Japanese (number 7) and thinking about launching into Turkish !!
Languages are fun (in my worthless opinion).

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