I'm om on day 2

I’m 1 day and 18 hours without drinking. Trying to get sober. Going through withdraws right now.


Welcome! I hope you don’t feel too bad. Are
you getting medical attention? If you start feeling very bad please check with a dr.

Welcome Robert to the forum! Glad ur here with us :slight_smile:

Well done mate. I’m on Day 17 and feel much better already. Gotta battle through that first week or so. I’m still having some symptoms now but the first full scale withdrawal symptoms seems lesser now. If I can do it, and I’m useless, you can totally do it!!


Welcome Samy,

Massive congratulations on taking this step!

Take each moment as it comes - you’ve got this :ok_hand:

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Glad you are here Robert. Visit often, post when you feel like it, this place has helped me immensely, hope it does the same for you in your journey.


Welcome to the community!
WOW - good for you Robert - I am so sorry that you are dealing with withdrawals. Are they manageable or do you think you need medical support?
Keep at it my friend - it does get easier and better. I find that being active in this community has been truly helpful in keeping me away from my DOC’s. The community is full of support, advice and great distractions when the urges hit. A no judgement zone where you are among friends going through similar struggles.

Wishing you well and hope to see you around.

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Like I would hear myself… Come on man, let’s stop with this negative self-talk. Both of us.

@Samylover21 how are you today?

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Thank you, I appreciate that

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I’m ok, withdraws subsiding. And thankful to God I’m sober as I almost died this past drinking binge. You?

Yes I did get medical attention and was prescribed on Ativan for the withdrawals.

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Thank you and I will

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Thank you so much. Yes, I saw a doctor and was prescribed Ativan along with other meds to subside the withdraws, each day is feeling a bit better and last night was able to eat.


Welcome bro! I’m only a week in but it gets better after the first few days. If your withdrawals get crazy bad you should check in with a medical professional just to make sure you’re okay but if it’s manageable just know that once it passes it’s a lot better!

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Glad to hear that you did consult with doctor and have meds to help. Grateful that you are feeling better - YEAH that you are able to eat.

Hang in there - it does get easier.

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Welcome, I hope you start feeling better soon, and you’ve definitely come to the right place for support, hang in there your f***ing smashing it already with 2 days :heart::muscle:

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Congratulations on 2 Days bro! That is huge! Take it “day by day” as they say…which truthfully, is good advice. You got to Day 2 now get to Day 3. Be proud of what you’ve already done! Hang in there - keep posting

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Remember to eat and get some water into you. Try and calm the mind, we’re all right here.

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Checking in on you - how are you doing today?

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Keep going!

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