Im really stressed rn

Fuck fuvk fuvk i want a drink. Im freaking out. My family is having a bbq tonight and we invited a lot of people including some old family friends, including my ex and her family. My mom doesnt know how awful that relationship was for me and told me that “she seems nice and you two get along ok now right” and its pointless arguing with mom once she makes her mind up and any mention of my ex abusing me would be dismissed as me making up problems so i dont have to see her and im panicking.

I have a friend who i can leave with if its too much but i dont want to be an asshole. A drink would really calm my nerves rn but if im plastered i would be far more irrational and would probably start something. Im only 12 days sober and im really trying to make it 13. Fuck. Ill post an update after the bbq and say how it went

UPDATE; it went well and im still sober yay


You don’t need to drink to go to the bbq. Try and fight the urges to pick up the drink again. Maybe try and talk to someone at the bbq and just sip water or your favorite soda. If all else fails, reach out to here during the bbq. Someone is always online and willing to listen to you to you rant or vent. They also give some good advice. Hang in there and keep us posted.

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If you think you may be triggered at the bbq, do you really need to go? It might mean you relapse if you do. Is it worth that to you?

I have a friend who is going with me and she has been super supportive of my sobriety and worst case senario sje said we can ho on a drive for an hour or so and leave.


I didnt drink at the last bbq i went to and i was fine. My crazy ex just wasnt at that one but like i said i have a friend there who i can talk to and will get me away for a few if i need a break.

My sobriety is important to me but i still wanna be able to socialize at gatherings like this. I have a plan in place and i hope it works jist as well this time as it did last time


Take care of you. You never know, you could be surprised and may have a great time! Just do whatever it takes to stay sane and sober. Don’t worry about being rude. But I promise a drink would NOT help, it would only make things worse but you know this. Stay strong my friend, we are here if you need us!!!

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Going from your recent posts about this person I personally would avoid her at all costs but that’s just me :slightly_smiling_face:

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It’s not being an asshole to leave early. It’s even ok to not go if you don’t want to. But if you do go, it’s ok to say you just aren’t feeling it and want an early night when you’re done. Try and enjoy it while you’re there, catch up with people you like and savour the fact that you will remember all the nice conversations. And look forward to waking up hangover free!

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Okay. I can only come at this from my own point of view, but I would use it as an excuse. My stress would keep eating me until I caved, and once I did I would tell myself that I needed it and how could I cope any other way. If you’re sure you can go without doing that, then you do you though! Keep us posted


buy some flavored seltzer water, like lacroix, and just drink the hell out of that. good luck!


Crap! That’s horrid. Honestly I’d tell my mom it’s either her or you at the bbq. I just wouldn’t go. No person should be forced into that position!!


Fuck the bbq off and go and do something you want to do that doesn’t involve alcohol or triggers. Take yourself out of the situation and if people don’t understand then, fuck em. It’s your life and your sobriety.

This is the tough love thread right :thinking::joy:

Seriously get the hell out of dodge


I also meant to say… If you do go and then end up leaving early, people might say ahh stay or something but that will be it. They will get over it really quickly. Maybe even before you’ve got out the front door, depending on how much they are drinking :joy:

I’m not saying people won’t miss you at all, but think about it. How many times has someone leaving a party before you actually ruined your night?


UPDATE im still sober and im proud that it went ok


Thats great to hear @Jay6! Keep up the good work.

Thanks for the update @Jay6 and congrats!!!