Im so excited

I’m so excited to share some news with you all! I recently started a new job. And today i was promoted to management. It almost doesnt feel real. A year ago i never would have thought this was possible. And honestly i was so drunk all the time that it wouldnt have been. But here i am. Accomplishing the biggest goal of my adult life. Unfortunately dont have a ton of people to share the news with but am excited to share it with you all!


Congratulations!!! THAT’S SUPER EXCITING! :smiley:


Congrats! Thanks for sharing! Being on my A-game at work is one of my favorite things about recovery! :muscle:


Congratulations! That’s amazing!

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Glad you shared it with us Kc, that is such a great news! Congratulations! :confetti_ball:

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Hell yeah! :revolving_hearts::sparkles::+1:t2:

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Yay! Congratulations! :tada: :partying_face:
I love celebrating everyone’s wins in sobriety. Glad you shared.

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Hiw amazing! Congrats, well earned

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I love stories like this. :blush:

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Yay!!! Congratulations on ur new job AND promotion!!! Excited for you :smiley:

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Congratulations. We are here to celebrate with you

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Congratulations! You really must be doing a good job to get a promotion that quickly. Be proud of yourself. Own it!!!

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Congratulations!! :clap:t2::clap:t2::ok_hand:t2::heart:

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Congratulations :pray:

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You have tonnes of people to share this great news with. Congrats @Klh1998

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Take a moment and breathe! Wow great job!! Look at what you accomplished and you did it. That was all you :smiling_face:. Thanks for sharing your win. It inspires us all!!!

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