Im still moven forward

Hello everyone, sorry not been on in awhile, worken alot. Is amazing how much ya can work when ya aint hung over or high. I will be recieven my 60day coin tomorrow at a meeting from my Sponsor. Of course this is probably the 30th 60 day coin I have got in 40yrs, however I keep tryen and I do it minute by minute , hour by hour , or day by day what ever it takes. Its not a race, however it is a life or death disease, I choose life. I wish everyone the best on what ever their journey may be. Never Alone Again.


Congratulations on the milestone, the fact that you have hit it before doesn’t detract from the significance. I hope you reach many more milestones this time around!


That’s a huge milestone! Keep positive with all these achievements you have made while sober! It doesn’t matter if it’s your 30th time. Celebrate you made it again and push harder to make it further. Mark a difference this time! Set new goals!


Hello all ,its Karl and I am 2months 15days clean and sober. I thank God , meetings , and discussion groups like this for all the support and streangth I get everyday thats helps me not pick up. I am not on here alot but my Prayers for others in recovery and the ones that are still suffering are always there. Never Alone Again!