I'm struggling bad

I feel like the world around me is falling apart and I’m going crazy in my mind I feel the urge to use I feel the itch and want to scratch it. I join NA the only one closest because I cNt drive and get no help I feel lost and alone all the yime.


I’m going through that too. The ups and downs are crazy. One minute I’m super stoked I’ve made the decision to be sober, the next minute I’m depressed and stressed. Keep your eye on the prize. The prize being whatever your motivation for staying off of your DOC. Hang in there, you got this!!

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I know it just sucks not being in control sometimes I’ve let so many people down in the past I’m tired and they are tired of ot. I can’t wait till paws is over

And it will pass, don’t give up. The world we live in makes life so difficult to avoid the desire to escape but I’ve recently realized drugs and alcohol really are making it worse. The future is yours and you have to make the best of it.

My husband and I are throwing a party tomorrow for being in business for 30 years. Our employees, vendors, customers, over 200 people. I had to go buy the kegs and wine today and I have to stay sober for this party. I’m stressed but also relieved at the same time. If I wasn’t stressing about not drinking, I’d be stressing about drinking too much (which I would most definitely do!). Stuck between a rock and a hard place - but I got this. WE got this! Hang in there :facepunch:

Thank you for talking good luck you got this