Im taking suboxone & have 23 days clean

Can i really consider myself clean when im taking suboxone to help me with the cravings of opiates? Ive used hard drugs for almost 20 years & need some feedback please?


Yes you’re clean. If you are taking it how you’re suppose to and from a health care facility (not buying off the street) you are clean. Suboxone saves lives. Please stay on it for as long as you need!!


First, congrats on your time and wanting to be free of opiates! It was also my DOC for 12 years. I went cold turkey and survived, but I do know that’s not possible for all of us. Do they have a plan to eventually ween you down or did they say you would be on it indefinitely? Someone very close to me chose methadone and that was awful to try to get off of so that’s why I’m asking what the plan is with your dr because everyone is truly different when it comes to long term. With that being said, there is nothing wrong with what you are doing, you are trying to get better and that’s never wrong :v:t3: and :purple_heart:


Im just taking it one day at a time but im thinking ill try it for atleast a year & by then i should be stable enough in my life to start weaning off slowly


Yes im taking it as prescribed & i actually feel great like normal enough to start seeking employment! Thanks for the advice


Yes, i am seeing an addictions counselor & i have another appointment coming up on March 22nd. Thanks for the support as i dont get much moral support in my real life.

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I think you have a really good plan and I’m proud of you, I know it’s not easy what you’re doing but you are doing it! :heart:

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I took subs to get off opioids and considered myself clean during that time. I did a slow taper under the guidance of my detox doctor. I believe it’s a life saving medication for some like myself in those early days. I was on just long enough to start working on my whys for using. Now, you couldn’t pay me enough to go back to that lifestyle. Granted life is not all rainbows and butterflies but I will not pick up no matter what.