I'm Willing to help a hopeless case Recover

I could never stay stopped on my own. I never really felt true relief beyond counting “clean time” but still secretly nervous or over excited. I reached out online and a man changed my life by taking me through the 12 Steps quickly. I started researching and learning that cases like me fit the bill for the original program design. He did the process with me and we took the steps together.

I always thought it wouldn’t truly work for me. He taught me I must look for others to help the same way to continue keeping what I have. What I have is a Spiritual connection and a deep authentic sense of peace and joy I’ve never experienced.

So here I am! If any feels they may have what I have, I’m willing to help!


I am assuming you mean the 12 steps of AA?


The 12 Steps were adopted by other fellowships as well. The format we work is effective and designed for alcoholics/drug addicts/acting out obsessive compulsive behavior. This method mirrors the same process Dr. Bob Smith used to help over 5,000 people recover. Some were afflicted with more than just alcohol as primary substance. The success rate was 98%. This specific format I reference today has been used on 6,000 and counting. The workshop material is located at https://bigbooksponsorship.org/

I’m a member of AA yes. I identify as a drug addict and alcoholic.

With altered and complicated methods that people have added that does not appear in our instructions the success rate as of all fellowships is 2% worldwide.

How much does it cost?


It’s absolutely free. I personally would stay away from anyone charging money for what we’ve offered for free since 1935.

That would also trample on our Traditions.

We are responsible for FREELY giving away what was given to us.

Only thing required is desperation and willingness to go to any lengths to Recover.

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Have you met this guy face to face have you a home group

I’d also like to add that I’m in no way affiliated personally with this available format. It is not different from the steps in the book it just outlines the simple instructions and puts certain concepts in modern day lament terms.

The packet is derived from the big book and also a little bit of the back to basics 12 step format developed by wally p.

My sponsor and I live 800 miles apart. I participate in two home groups where I have a service position.

We went through the steps together over the phone and we both had the printable packet.

It seems you have some questions I would advise reading the information.

Of that 6,000 the majority were able to take the steps over the phone or on zoom and it has still been absolutely effective.

I’d like to point out that there were several states and countries in early years who were simply mailed the big book and a separate letter of instructions. These people started groups in Alaska, Canada, Wyoming and deep in rural areas.

Sponsor reliance is not the goal. The goal is God reliance and to get the Sponsee to become a Sponsor. That is how we achieved 98% success in early AA.


As long as it keeps you sober thats what matters , im old school got sober way before internet hardcore sobriety as my late sponsor used to call it.


Tradition 11 long version
“Our relations with the general public should be characterized by personal anonymity. We think A.A. ought to avoid sensational advertising. Our names and pictures as A.A. members ought not be broadcast, filmed, or publicly printed. Our public relations should be guided by the principle of attraction rather than promotion. There is never need to praise ourselves. We feel it better to let our friends recommend us”

I think anyone who posts on ST is seeking guidance. The forum allows many perspectives. Hopefully you can stick around and help folks and not just those you are asking to reach out directly.

Guidance comes in many forms, and help should come from a place of compassion. Those not seeking the 12 steps should be given the same opportunity and guidance as those in a program. Just some food for thought.