I'm worried

Here lately I’ve been getting the urge to drink. I’ve been able to easily fight them, but something about this time has me worried I’m going to. I dont really have anyone to talk to, so I came on here to get my worries out.


The urges come. I have 844 days and still hit rough spots, probably always will. You’re doing the right thing coming here and speaking up. Our addiction wants us to isolate, we’re weaker that way. Remember you only have to stay sober today, don’t worry about tomorrow man because it isn’t promised to anyone.


Is something going on in your life that is stressing you?
Hang tough, Steven. :facepunch::wink:


If I get urges, I head on over to the gratitude thread. Daily Gratitude List. Gratitude The Air Of Recovery I start listing all the things I’m grateful for when I’m sober. I got nothing if I’m drinking.
Meetings are good too.

Have you heard of HALT?
What’s really going on Steve?



Valentine’s day was the anniversary of my sister passing away, so I know that’s part of it. Then theres stuff in my personal life.


I’ve been having similar feelings too. I’m hoping it’s a winter/SAD issue and that I’ll feel better once it warms up and I can get outside more


I think that’s part of it too. Plus I haven’t seen my kid in a month because the weather and being sick.


I have been taught to go back to what got me through those first 5 months of recovery when anything big comes up. So dial it back, tighten your program up. How did you get yourself through those hard days at the begining?

I have also noticed that lately I have needed to add some new things to my program to amp it up a bit, make it stronger. Our addicts don’t get weaker the longer we stay clean and sober. We need to stay in prime shape.

Sorry about your sister and you missing your kid that would be hard.


I see you are coming up on 500 days. Congratulations for getting there. I do think it’s a red flag when people start thinking about wanting to restart, relapse, whatever you wanna call it. Seems like it starts getting built up in the mind where then all of a sudden the big blowup is somebody takes that first drink and blows their sobriety.
I’m hoping that this won’t be you. For every thought you have about drinking, try to have two or three or more about why you don’t want to drink. Put it down on a piece of paper or in your phone. I too think that you should go back to your beginning quit techniques that got you to quit drinking and have kept you that way. Try to find strength from that go back to the very beginning. Posting here for accountability would be helpful for you. You could start checking in every day on the check-in thread if you’re comfortable doing that.
I’m glad you posted and I’m glad you’re here. Take care and stay sober. Stay in touch with what’s happening with you. I’m sorry about your sister.


I did some counseling, but mostly have done it on my own.

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Good you came here to speak about what worries you :+1:
Take it one day at a time, from hour to hour. Maybe meditation can help you through the mourning process. Your feelings are valid, alcohol and the addicted brain have no interest in your feelings, they just seek the high and don’t care that you will feel bullshit after using. Sending you hugs :hugs:


Sorry to hear about the loss of your sister, stay connected with your sober community, dont let the voices tell you a drink will make things any better. Good that you came here to say whats on your mind. You have us all here if you feel the need to talk to anyone about the worrisome feeling. Just reach out if you need, can msg me anytime if you want i try to stick around and read as much as i can, helps me to kind of get out of my head. Your not alone


Thank you everyone, your words, condolences, and ideas have helped me on what I can to do to help. Again thank you.


I’m sorry you’re struggling. These are the days we take hour by hour, sometimes minute by minute. You don’t need.to be told that drinking will make things worse because you know that. But knowing you’re not alone right now, and you’re in good company here, can help. Grief is a fickle bi#@c and this stage of winter bring with it some hopeless days. Face time/zoom/call your kiddo tomorrow and read a book together. Get some sleep.

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Maybe try ameeting might help wish you well

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How are you making out over the last few days?

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A lot better. Thank you.

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Fantastic :clap:

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