In my head

Hey I don’t usually like posting things like this but im just a little over a year sober. Today I am just in my head im still in treatment but have no interest in talking with a counselor or going to the treatment center. Im in a transitional housing which means I get my own place with other clients. Its the first time since I sobered up where I just want to say fuck it but the more I think about it I really don’t want to drink either I guess im just overwhelmed with these thoughts in my head. I know I should move towards doin a meeting but with covid my option to go to a outside meeting is no longer a option till further notice. Im stressed im tired n very much just being stubborn I know I should talk to someone but I really don’t like people in general so I figure I post this just to vent.
Is there anything that gets you out of your head :thinking:. I play guitar I have lots of hobbies n have no interest in doing anything. I have a lot of gratitude to this process because I know it works but today just seems like a day. Thanks in advance


Congrats on staying sober for over a year first off. I’m sorry you’re having a shit day. Just find a way to go to bed sober tonight. Tomorrow will be better.


I use a 5-4-3-2-1 grounding method:

  • 5 things I see
  • 4 things I feel (touch)
  • 3 things I hear
  • 2 things I smell
  • 1 thing I taste

That helps me get back into my body, present and paying attention in the moment.

However - all the mindfulness tricks in the world won’t help if there isn’t also some work on the underlying issue, and that’s what you get by participating in a group. It’s ok to be stubborn. There’s lots of stubborn people in groups. Stubbornness is the quality that keeps you coming, that keeps your addiction from winning.

There are lots of options online:

Online meeting resources

Best of luck and never give up. The addiction just isn’t worth it. It never ends well. And the work to build a fulfilling life, free from the chains of addiction - that isn’t easy, but it is worth it.


I basically just flip the switch from Thought - life to Real - life. Thank god I never did everything I ever thought bc I would currently be in a straight jacket or on death row but we are not our thoughts, we have the power to see them, change them and act on them in real - life. Should I get wasted today?? I could but I won’t bc it’s not who I am it’s not what I do. I’ll just see if anyone could do with a hand today. I prefer dealing with the other people’s problems they always seem easier to deal with than my own :wink::grin:


Nothing out if the ordinary. I’m coming up on 3.5 years sober, and I still have to consciously get outside of my own head. For me, it’s negative self-talk. It causes me to become apathetic.

This is the time to do what we know we should do, even though we don’t want to. This is when discipline serves us the most.


I agree with @liv_m, I find moving my body totally helps. There’s a saying we use in AA…“move a muscle, change a thought.” If I don’t move around, those thoughts only get worse.


Well I thank you all for taking the time to read and help out another day down without a drink it took me awhile but I used all those techniques. I went and talked with others an moved around at first I felt stupid making this post but im glad I did. Again thank you all for the help have a good night