In the ER but not for addiction

The universe has a funny way of taking care of your sometimes. I’m currently in the emergency department, for a painful cyst that has blown up the last couple of days. I feel like this situation, even tho it ideal, is hitting home for me about how important your health is.

Watching all the people come and go through the ER rooms, is always an eye opener.

Day one of my recovery journey is today and I’m determined to make April my best month yet, with my sobriety journey.

One day at a time, but for today, I will not use or cave into temptations or triggers.


Sorry to hear that you’re in the ER, I hope everything is okay :people_hugging:


That’s right, we don’t need/have to use/drink today. Get well soon.


Just waiting for surgery now! Very grateful that I will be ok. Thank you. :facepunch:t2:


Hope it’s not that serious :pray: Glad you are around proffesionals who can help you and you are well soon. Take care :heavy_heart_exclamation:


Just seen this and hope you are recovering well now. That must have been scary but glad you are there with professionals looking after you. Take care


Sending :people_hugging: and a speedy recovery hun :muscle:🫶🏼 ODAAT


Thank you everyone. I have had two surgeries in two days, which has been incredibly taxing on my body. I can see how the universe has intervened in a way, and stopped me in my tracks, handed me a rather challenging health situation, which in turn, has cemented to me even more so, how important my health is. I don’t want to compromise my health any further by continuing in the cycle of addiction. I really feel, this situation, although it’s been horrible, is my turning point. A real awakening moment on so many levels. :two_hearts::pray:t2:


Two surgeries, wow! :disappointed_relieved:
That is a lot indeed…
If you are feeling bored and need something to read? Here you find many recovery books and podcasts if you like Resources for our recovery Hope your healing goes fast, be well! :raising_hand_woman:

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I have been thinking about you and how you were getting on. That sounds intense, hope you have a quick recovery. Well done on seeing this as a turning point and an opportunity. Get well soon

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Thank you! It’s been a week that’s for sure. Very grateful to be home now and start my healing and recovery journey, physically, as well as continue on my sobriety journey. :two_hearts:

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I’m home now and boy, I was served one hell of a challenge in hospital. 2 surgeries in 24 hours and after both surgeries, I went into septic shock. The whole experience has been my awakening on a different level. Very grateful
To be ok. :two_hearts: