Insanely Vivid Dreams

I’ll listen on my way to work tomorrow :slight_smile:

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Im listening to these driving to and from work as well. Got tired of hearing the new chick on kroq promoting beer parties at 7 in the morning. Im gonna miss kevin and bean for a while but thats ok. Better than me being above 0.08 still from the night before on my commute :wink:.

As long as your listening too i will keep posting them here bruddah :fist_right::fist_left:

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My dad passed away 3.5 years ago and I still have dreams about him similar to that. Dream me knows he’s not alive but then in my dreams I’m always trying to sort out how I see him and as well there’s been some dreams where I am very very angry with him. We had some unfinished business to discuss and I think it’s my brain trying to sort through it. It’s very upsetting though. I hope you find some peace soon :heart_decoration:

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I used to have a reoccurring dream where I would pick the wrong drink and accidentally get drunk. Once I was drunk in my dream I would say well I’m drunk now and keep drinking. I actually woke up with drinkers remorse. I haven’t had that dream in a long time but after writing this I just might. All I can say is it will get less frequent.

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It’s our love for them that keeps them in our hearts. They will be with us forever because they have left their pain here. My parents died years ago and I still dream of them from time to time. Sweet dreams my loves.

Listened and it was great. Lol, just when I think I have something semi-figured out, I listen to something like that. Realize that I have more work to do

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Each one of these guys is different but its good to listen to their stories just to get out of your head and get a different perspective.

Last night had some weird dreams about driving my truck to do some hiking and smoke some weed. For whatever reason i just kept getting sidetracked and couldnt get a time or place to hit the pipe though lol.

I will keep posting them. :blush:

Tonights audio

Day 3 here and I had the strangest dream last night. I saw a line of people that were all going towards like a concentration camp. It was the holocaust. Many children in the line. A woman gave me her baby and I ran away with the child and escaped, then was faced with the conundrum of having to care for an infant. I remember the baby was very fat and blonde, that’s why she wanted me to take her, because she knew I could pass her off as not Jewish.

@Sunbaby, there’s some audio above of aa speakers. Good stuff to pas the time :wink:

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Had a test for a job this morning. Had some pretty cool dirtbiking dreams. And i listened to this audio headed home from my regular job today.