Instead of triggers, tell me your glimmers

I love this idea of “glimmers”. It’s even a cool word! I’m going to try to incorporate this practice into my mental health routine. Let’s see… one of my glimmers is watching my husband kindly care for our our new little kittens. He’s such a softie when it comes to animals!


These are a few of my favourite glimmers…

That first cup of coffee in the morning.
Early morning snuggles from our cat Yoshi.
Long scenic drives with my Mrs.
Listening to vinyl records.
Having a clear, sober brain.
Doing word search puzzles.


•waking up without a killer headache
•my dog running up to me and curling up on my lap everytime I get home (he’s 80 lbs)
•talking to someone and finding out you both love the same band
•making someone a meal and they go back for seconds
•laughing with my dad so hard we’re crying
•forehead kisses
•giving someone a present way earlier than I was supposed to


Great thread: thank you for it.

  • swimming (especially when it’s colder and no one - or just a couple of people - is in the water),
  • taking care of the plants on my terrace (I’ve only just started, don’t have a clue about gardening, but I’m doing my best :-);
  • sipping coffee on the said terrace;
  • cooking (I rarely do it, but when I do, it usually turns out great - probably to do with the inspiration);
  • those calm moments before going to bed.

I would have said TRAVELING, almost anything to do with traveling, almost every moment I spend traveling :heart:, but it’s best to stick to everyday moments.



Our little rooster :rooster:


I’m from the states so I love football (american football). I love that moment of waking up before the games start and then you hear music on the tv before a game is about to start. Best feeling ever during fall lol


I’m not American, but one of my close friends are. We used to visit them and watch her kid play collage football. (Yes they are southerners) when we weren’t there we followed the games on online radio.
It’s a special feeling for sure.
He stopped playing a few years ago and is an adult now.

Besides that,the only sports I really like is Competitive eating. (Also an American sport for what I know) :smiling_face:
Going on one of the competitions preferably Nathan’s famous (Hot dogs) or Wing Fest (Buffalo Hot wings) is on my bucket list for sure.

But to the subject, today’s glimmers. Sunshine for the first time in weeks.

Planning a Road trip with my husband and kids knowing that we are going to visit a theme park with Old Western theme called High Chaparral in a few weeks.

Iced coffee.
The fields that slowly are turning yellow as the grains are getting ready to harvest.
Blowing soap bubbles in the garden with my kids.
And the sense of total freedom that slowly gets to me. :smiling_face:


One of my glimmers is cuddling with my cats. They make me feel safe and loved and I like making them know I’m there for them :slight_smile:


Your glimmers are awesome! :blush:


I’m a Jeopardy! nerd, so this is one of my glimmers. I love trivia! It’s just not the same anymore without Alex Trebek, though. :frowning:


Some more glimmers…

The sound of our cat crunching his kibble in the middle of the night.
Sharing a slice of pie with my Mrs. Bloke.
Having a bag of popcorn all to myself.
Taking long scenic drives.
The smell of wet asphalt after it rains.
The sound of a train whistle far off in the distance.
Watching a little World Cup soccer (football).


Butterflies, bees and hummingbirds in our flower gardens. Kitty cuddles. Driving slowly because there are baby fawns everywhere right now.


Riding a bicycle downhill with the wind in my face, even better if I have dangly tinkly earrings on. Going out for breakfast. Feeling loved and needed. Meeting a new dog. A good scented candle.


Just discovered Jazz music last week. So now I’m starting everything morning with a jazz music playlist on Google home.

I’ve loved the Disney movie Soul since it came out, but I never really thought Jazz was something for me. (I’m a Country Girl l, Luke Bryan ftw)

Glad I tried, because I love it. It’s calming and uplifting at the same time. :smiling_face:


Anime. Been trying to get into more anime lately and i am so glad i have. Its entertaining and fun how wild and good some of these shows are. :blush:


I loved Sailor Moon when I was a kid. We weren’t allowed to watch it because it had demons and magic. (pentecostal church raised)

When I got to high school the cafeteria had a tv so me and my friend used to miss about 10-15 mins of our first class everyday to watch it. Because no one was there to say we couldn’t. And the teachers didn’t say anything either, we where still straight A students.

We also used to watch an animé called Candy Candy but I didn’t realize it was animé until later. Just like Saber Rider which is actually an animé in original.
Good memories (I still love the show)

As a Young Adult I got all stuck on Neon Genesis Evangelion. Wasn’t all impressed with the tv series though.

My kids prefers Nauroto, Pokémon,Dragon Ball Z and all that.


I remember the old 60’s anime stuff like Speed Racer, The Amazing 3, Kimba the White Lion and others.

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Waking up to my love, spending time with my lovely pups, freshly brewed coffee, listening to my fav music, closing my eyes & being present with all around me. Lots to be grateful for today! Another day sober


Cats purring, cats “making biscuits,” the smell of fresh brewed coffee, the smell of the woods in autumn, the salt air at the beach, the quiet and stillness after a snowfall.