Absolutely! Very well said on top of that, in the havoc example, he chose dirty and damaged records, he wanted all the relics in the sample as it’s own sound and ambiance, that further proves your point. It’s funny to hear interviews with people like Havoc, alchemist, Pete rock talking about how they didn’t like some of their early beats because they thought they were too easy from a production standpoint to get the praise they received. Only years later to recognize what they did had the aesthetic that could not be replicated with modern techniques/equipment
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Haha almost posted I love acid but thought perhaps it might be inappropriate, title alone
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I’m not sure it quite counts, but I love modern classical piano.
Favourite vinyls are the two latest by Alexandra Strelinski (spelling?)
So beautiful and serene.
Love some Marshal Jefferson. The 303 thing definitely could be legit! Haha, there are some cool stock patterns. I love all that Chicago/Detroit stuff. I still rock different versions of Kevin saundersons Reese bass. Reese changed so much in electronic music, especially later in the awesome drum and bass rollers
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Hell yeah! Dope.
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Dope, bro!
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