Interesting or quirky expressions

Hey, I’ve completely missed this one! :see_no_evil:

It was a year ago, so it’s very easy to miss :blush:
We have similar minds coming up with the topic!

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Well, here’s a saying: Great minds think alike! Ba dum tss :drum:

I’ll see myself out :woman_facepalming:t4:

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:joy: sounds like it would be painful

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Oh hey, btw, would you like me to split this topic? I don’t mind doing it! I’m just not sure how, but I’ll figure it out!

Only moderators can

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Uuh, okay! Thanks!

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Done! So it is a bit wormholey cos now @Salty has linked to this thread on the thread :scream::woozy_face:

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Thank you! :pray:t3:

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“Oh for crying out loud!” That was always my Grandma’s response to literally everything, lol


My mum used to say to me as a kid ‘if you fall out of that tree and break your legs, don’t come running to me for sympathy’

My Father in law has a couple of corkers.

‘It went like shit off a shovel’ meaning travelled fast.

‘Harder than a whores ass’ for something hard.

‘Sticks like shit to a blanket’ is another.

He swears a lot. Sorry guys.



"You either do X or you cry and do X, you choose. " :point_up_2:t3: this :joy::joy::joy:

What’s the other one about fitting? Fits like butter in the eye of the porridge? :woman_facepalming:t4::woman_shrugging:t2:

Oh dear. :grimacing: My parents never said, but there were times though when I was forced to do stuff like chores and such and would do with crying as well. We just used that phrase among friends :woman_facepalming:t4:

@Milele I forgot about that one! LoL The Burmese saying:
“It’s like playing the violin to a cow”


Haista kuule kukkanen jonka lehmä eilen söi
= Take a sniff of a flower that was eaten by a cow yesterday :face_with_raised_eyebrow:
Basically “sniff the :poop:” which is equivalent to f# you

It’s ok to be crazy as long as you’re not stupid.

The forest will answer you in the way you call to it. = Your actions will be reflected back to you thru others.

Don’t paint devils on the wall. = Someone is expecting the worst to happen.

Cold coffee makes you beautiful

A healthy child is playful, but sick if unable stop


Fits like a nose to a head


That’s the one :joy:

dark nwarr ko tayaw kahcarr tar nae tuutaal

According to Google translate LoL

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Tuota ei syö Erkkikään
Even Erkki (Eric) wouldn’t eat that = something looks and tastes disgusting

Old salt’s making one thirsty = You’re longing for an ex.

Crazy folks entertainment is cheap = said when you’re doing something utterly silly/weird and totally amused by it

This is a phrase from my home province in the West, very characteristic of the people there:
We tried to do mediocre but it comes out premium. :hugs:


Never heard this one before!