Irritated/damaged throat?

Anyone else experience this? I’ve had a sore throat since Friday morning, which is when I decided to get sober once and for all. My throat feels dry/irritated not like a sore throat when I usually get sick, almost like I’ve been yelling for a really long time. It’s not illness. I’m taking care of it right now with hot tea and lozenges. Worried I did irreversible damage since I’ve been drinking in excess during the past 2 years :frowning:

When I asked about feeling bloated during sobriety, someone said that’s it could be the healing process; this might apply for you as well.

Your throat may have been constantly burned by the alcohol, however, because you drank in excess, there wasn’t time to heal, also not to mention the numbing factor of alcohol.

Now that you’re sober, your throat is starting to heal, and might be inflamed. Definitely best to visit your doctor though if you feel odd about it.


Is it possible you could be sick? I’m just getting over this two-phase virus that’s been going around. It was very mild for me but in the beginning my only symptom was an irritated throat for like 5 days.

Hmm I didn’t think so because when I drank on Thursday I definitely felt a burn in my throat but I will keep an eye on it. I suffer with anxiety so my brain always goes to worst case scenario haha :sweat_smile:

Even if you aren’t sick I wouldn’t worry about it. I’ve had that happen from drinking. Your throat will be fine and heal itself.
Tea with marshmallow root like the one called Throat Coat is the best for an irritated throat. Marshmallow root contains hyaluronic acid which acts as a lubricant and is soothing and healing.

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Thanks! Never heard of that! My go to is usually hot water with lemon and honey but since everything is closed today I’m drinking a lot of honey vanilla chamomile tea :slight_smile: