Is Clonopin worth it?

Ive been taking Clonopin for about a week now and I think it really helps with my alcoholism. Has anyone else taken this before?


It’s a benzo, be careful, though depending on how bad your alcohol use was it could help you not have a seizure, was it prescribed from a doc? I wouldn’t stay on it for too long


Yes it was prescribed

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I would just follow the doctor’s instructions, if you trust that they have your best interests in mind, you will be fine

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Of course it helps, it’s a benzodiazepine and it works on the same exact receptors in your brain as alcohol does. Benzos are what a doctor will prescribe you to alleviate the withdrawal symptoms of alcohol. Take it from someone who replaced alcohol with a benzodiazepine about 4 years ago- Don’t take this drug for longer than a few days. My doctor had the best of intentions for me and prescribed for me for a year, and it took me the following year, an ENTIRE YEAR to taper off and I still had withdrawals from it for weeks afterward. Use it as a tool for getting past the rough part of the booze, then stop, please! It was a nightmare. Just google benzo withdrawal or klonopin withdrawal and you’ll see.


Like the other Jedi Masters said, do some research for yourself and talk with your doctor. Benzos were my prime addiction, Xanax and klonopin. Alcohol was my other addiction. I was prescribed for around ten years and it was a nightmare to get off. They are very helpful in the correct circumstances but it seems a lot of doctors are not careful about how they prescribed them. If you have any other questions feel free to message me.

IMO Klonopin has helped me tremendously; however, it’s a neurodegenerative drug. It might play a role in possible early onset dementia. My shrink wants me to switch to Neurontin to treat anxiety, since it’s not neurodegenerative. I get the lecture about klonopin’s negative effects each visit.

Gabapetin is another anti seziure drug thats not a benzo i believe…

Oh man – I can imagine the risks. I know nothing about it, but I can imagine it’s a help sometimes. I also know that I was a stone’s throw away from developing new addictions whenever new drugs came my way (I had severe back problems for a while).

Ya that’s a definite issue subbing one drug for another.

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Yas, Low.
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