Is it best to take it day by day?

One day for sure, there were times when I first got sober I had to take it minute to minute because the urge to relapse was so strong.

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Every single day that we all maintain sobriety is a small victory. Thinking about the future is like looking towards the end zone before you actually catch the ball. We all need time and distance between our addictions, time makes it easier to break the negative patterns our brains have established from years of repeating mistakes


Day by day or hour by hour whatever you need :kissing_heart:

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Yup. Today I will not buy pain pills and I will not drink alcohol. I’ll say the same thing tomorrow when I wake up.

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Best to set short-term, intermediate, and long-term goals, and then take it day by day.

We can wander into addiction, but we can’t wander out. Best to have a plan to get better

And then keep getting better at getting better each and every day.