Is it best to take it day by day?

Hi guys,

I’m on day 3 alcohol free!

I’m just wondering, is it best to simply take every day as it comes? Or set a long term goal?

I just know I cannot drink. If I do it never ends well.

Thank you.


One day at a time! That’s how I have gotten to where I am at day 209. Today, I will be sober. :slight_smile:


One day, sometimes one hour at a time, for me is easier than thinking ahead because if you really think about it time is a man made concept that doesn’t exist this is why people get so anxious.

That said, yesterday was day 19 for me and the most tempted I’ve been but I thought to myself if I drink tonight, I won’t make it to 3 weeks. It is a small but significant victory for me.


“Forever” seems like a long time, so I stay away from using that word in regards to my sobriety.

i have kind of a hybrid approach. Each day without drinking is a small victory in a larger battle, so I look at it day-by-day from that perspective. However, it also helps me to have longer term goals broken into digestible chunks of time…the usuals…30, 60, 90 days and so on. My next is 120 days (4 months), that’s on Sunday. After that, 130 days - a personal milestone, because that will tie the mark for the longest I’ve ever gone without drinking. Everything from there is new. It is not lost on me, though, the importance of days 118, 119, 121, 122, 123, 124…

Congrats on 3 days, you’re in the midst of one of the toughest parts. Hang in there.


All we have is today, tomorrow is not guaranteed to anyone. Enjoying today, being here, right now is truly all I have. I will worry about tomorrow, tomorrow.


I used to think ahead and say a year or never but realistically it was too big a goal to set. Take it one day at a time, when you get comfortable then maybe set a month at a time, but no more than that


Personally, in the beginning I would get anxiety thinking about long term sobriety. So for me, it was a whole lot easier to wrap my head around one day at a time.

Whenever I set a big goal, and don’t complete it, I feel way more terrible about myself. So I guess smaller goals, like Just For Today, are more easily obtainable.


Regardless of our goals today is the only day where we can not drink. I can’t not drink tomorrow bc it’s not here yet. I can’t go back 339 days and undrink my last one bc that day is gone.


I set specific goals. I get there by focusing on today. What can I reasonably do today?

When it comes to not drinking, the only goal is to not drink today. That is a major part of how I meet the long term goals for true sobriety and a better life. My last “one drink” resulted in falling into a marathon of drinking and wasted years. Anything I could want for my life and happiness is derailed if I drink today.

Not drinking in the long term is a consequence of realizing what I need to do today to maintain true happiness.


Day by day for everything I think avoids anxiety and worry about the future. I read that someone suggested saying I’m not drinking right now instead of ever because it is less limiting and anxiety provoking. You can chose your right now every second.


Definately one day at a time for me! I cant go there with forever thoughts! I remember hearing a guy share in AA that he would tell himself everyday
" i wont drink today, but tomorrow im gonna get shitfaced!".
Well hes been sober 27 years now!


I freak myself right the heck out if I think of no booze for the rest of my life. The soundtrack in my brain goes to warp speed and I start thinking things like, “Holy hell! How can I ever travel to Italy if I cannot drink wine?” “Good Lord! Of course I’ll have to drink at my sons’ weddings” (They are 3 and 4 now) and “Oh, I’ll make some pasta for dinner. Wait. Who the &@$ makes pasta and doesn’t drink wine with it? Loser. Never make pasta again.” “I like that song. Wait - I’d like to see him in concert. How can I go to a concert and not drink? Doomed.” I become unhinged quickly.:persevere:

So - sometimes I don’t drink this hour. I definable won’t drink today. That’s it. No matter what, I won’t drink today.


I tell myself the same thing I can drink if I want to I have free will. So I don’t drink.


And France. How the fuck am I going to spend a month in the South of France without rosé?,:persevere:



One hour at a time!:wink:


I have never heard it put that way, that makes total sense!!!


Its scary…& cool how similar we think😆

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Maybe try a meeting get support make new sober friends who have been were you are make it easier for yourself.its only a day at a time and they add up and thats how i got to today still sober wish you well

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Thank you all for the fantastic advice! Day 4! Woo

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One day at at a time. Slow and steady. Baby steps :slight_smile: huge congratulations on day 4! :muscle:

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