I keep reading/hearing things about how sobriety is better. But, I want to know….is it? I have spent many of the last few days buzzed all day and I feel good and connected and like I am fulfilling a purpose. I don’t mean to be flippant here….i just feel better when I drink . But inside….in the inner guts of my soul, I want to find that peace in sobriety. But how do I compete with connected feel I get when I drink? This is. Genuine question/observation. I want to be sober. But not being sober feels better. I need your perspective to shift this. Please. I am begging you.
The dopamine rush when you consume alcohol gives a short time feeling of euphoria. But when you don’t have alcohol then you feel worse. You are training your brain to only feel “good” when you’re drinking. So when you stop drinking for a few days of course you are going to feel worse. Sobriety is not a quick fix. It’s a long term solution
I need more hearts for your response.
Yeah man I feel yah, we can all say the same thing sometimes. I remember some good times drinking, or smoking crack or w.e else I would be doing. I can say it made me feel better, or connected, but then I think did it really? Was waking up at 7 in the morning and cracking a beer getting my girls ready for school. Or sitting in my room doing coke all night drinking beer and then just sitting there paranoid wondering what I’m doing with my fucking life. Spending 5,000 in a week and dropping out of college isn’t connected or feeling good. Idk everyone’s story is different and everyone has a different reason for why they need to get sober. I hope you find yours. I can tell you honestly sobriety is worth it every day, I have peace of mind. My family sleeps better, my girls have a father again. Much love friend stick around
How long have you stayed sober to make this determination? I did not feel the full benefits of being sober in days or even a few months. It took me a full year of living life on life’s terms without any substances, while working on the reasons why I resorted to alcohol and drugs to make me feel better. Now, there’s no substance that could make me feel better and I’ve been thru a lot in sobriety (death of family & friends, job loss, relationship issues and financial loss to name a few).
Allen Carrs “easy way to control alcohol” and “This Naked Mind” by Annie Grace forever changed my perception of alcohol. Give them a listen or a read if you haven’t yet.
“Feeling good and connected” shouldn’t come because of an external substance. Remove the alcohol, heal the brain and you’ll start feeling good naturally again. Best wishes
Every day I drank, I felt better.
Until I didn’t.
I kept drinking because it used to make me feel better. I was chasing the day it would work again.
It didn’t.
If you spend some time here reading the check-in threads or the many many success stories under the milestones tag, you’ll find ample proof of happier, grateful beings who got that way through sobriety.
Have you ever heard the expression, “Trust your gut”? Listen to your inner voice, give sobriety a whirl. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain.
Drink gives you high makes all your prob go away until next morning how many times has anyone here say im def giving up drink this hangover is murder ,if you have a prob with drink then of course its better being sober , i go to AA dances a lot wear my kilt and nobody has to get dutch courage to get up and dance everyone there is dancing and laughing Having a great time no drink involved your decision give it a shot wish you well
So…i understand the pull of that few hours when you feel ‘happier’ ‘connected’ 'euphoric" the problem is whatever it is you feel when you drink is artificial and comes at a grave price…once over i was so desperate to feel better id keep drinking just to have those few hours of relief no matter what the consequences…i think for me… along with my addiction it was a quick, lazy route to what i thought was happiness…in hindsight it makes me tear up now thinking just how sad and desperate that actually was, how sad i must have been…eventually the consequences became too big and i had to choose sobriety but boy am i glad i did! Imagine if you could feel all those feelings and more for real without drinking well thats what sobriety offers but youve got to give it time, patience, perseverance and put the work in to get those rewards but i can tell you for certain that they do come and they are worth every second of the work ive put in
I think you have to give it a try and actually commit to decide for yourself. If you’re gut is telling you to lean into sobriety, you’ve downloaded apps like this and engaged with a community like this you probably already know what you truly want.
Being buzzed feels great! But sobriety is a beautiful thing and you deserve to feel that same “buzzed” feeling sober too
Great question!
I think it’s safe to say that all of us here “loved” that buzzed feeling when we used our DOC. Sure there were fun times and wonderful memories for sure….but they don’t last….
Eventually and ultimately your body WILL shut down in some sort of fashion forcing you to make a decision to either make a change or die a slow death.
And it’s the “frog in the pot of water” example
It doesn’t happen overnight. Every story is different here…but every story has the same theme - self- destruction.
Fill in the blank:
I decided to choose sobriety because________
For me? To answer that question would be:
I hit rock bottom and 2 different doctors explained to me that if I pick up again my kids will be burying me.
After 30+ years of drinking (enjoying all those highs) I knew it was time to seriously make a life change. And I did. And it’s the best decision, (after deciding to follow Christ as my Savior), that I’ve made in my life. I only wish I would have done it sooner. I wasted 30 years…but that’s ok. I’ve accepted that and moved on and my life is the best I could ask for.
Do you want to wait until a hospital scare? A DUI? A broken relationship? A loss of dignity, self-respect, values and self-worth? It’s not worth it and YOU are so much better than that! You deserve it! Enjoy, live and be in the moment and present in this precious life. You’ll never get it back…and it’ll be taken sooner if alcohol is a major life-style component of it…
We’re here for you and know that you can do this. Believe me. All of us here would say…if we could do it….you CAN do it….
Keep strong and ODAAT