Is it ever too late to stop drinking?

I’m 2 weeks sober today at the age of 43. I once quit for 2 years but didn’t enjoy my life that time. This time feels different. I’m fighting a tiny cold so when co-workers asked me to come out for drinks tonight it was easy to pass but even in the back of my mind I felt peace. I don’t have to drink anymore. I get to choose sobriety.
My attempt so far has been less limiting and more of a freeing feeling. I know there will be hard parts ahead but this app has been great for fighting urges. Knowing that others out there have found their “I get to” reasons to pass up alcohol keeps me focused. Good luck to you @R.J.4117. I’m glad you are here. I hope you find the peace in not giving yourself the option to stay stuck and drinking. It seems glorious on the other side. :full_moon_with_face::bouquet:


I would like to see you be able to embrace your sober self. There’s a sober person there that can do and be everything that the non sober person was except drink.
I hope you’ll be able to find some activities that you enjoy that will help you find your identity in your sober world. I hope that at some time you will be so happy that you do not drink.
60 is not old. 60 is not too late for change. Remember 60 is the new 40. And it’s getting younger every year. Embrace your freedom and your new healthy self.


I’m 61 and have been trying to stay sober for seven years now. This year I have eliminated all people, places and things from my life that make me want to drink and five days in I feel more confident than ever before (including time in rehab) that I will finally stay sober.

My belief is that I have lived two thirds of my life and have another third left. The first third was great, the second horrible as the drink took over. I want the final third to be like the first and to live the life I was born to live - alcohol has no part in that.

Good luck my friend - we can both do this.


my dad quit at 68 and I quit at 49, we have over 8 years of sobriety between us.It took us 37 years to sit in the same room together but now we both get it. I would say that was worth it.
Plus everything has an opposite, it was never too early to start drinking so stands to reason its never too late to stop :slightly_smiling_face:


No it’s never ever too ‘late’ for anything buddy, seriously, ever! :wink: Eff conscious self-sabotage! What is time? And you know that deep down more than anyone my friend, because you were born free and always have the potential to shine within you! It’s all in your mind… Do WHATEVER it takes to control your mind, and you’ll set yourself free! That means swallowing a lot of pride; seeing a health professional/psychologist/AA group; meditating; researching, searching, reading, watching, listening as much as you literally need and can; opening up honestly to others for your own sake; having courage and strength when you need yourself most: which is RIGHT HERE AND NOW!! not yesterday, nor tomorrow, nor soon or any other nonexistent scenario. Start by loving yourself!! I don’t know what sort of person you are, but say it infront of a mirror if you need to! You love yourself! And you need to love, accept, appreciate, trust and believe in yourself from here-on because you are a priceless f#cking star! A one-in-infinite chance spark of life! Feel your heart, your lungs, notice your awareness of your environment - they’re not for granted! Look up, there’s infinity out there, it just keeps going in a vast mysterious and amazing universe we’re so oblivious to… And look within you - all the complexity even just to move your fingers and act upon thinking… If you cut a rock in half, and that half in half again, and keep going, would there ever be an end? Nothing makes sense buddy, nor needs to, we just need to realise how much potential we actually have in us with enough love, commitment and openness! You are better!! You know better!! And with that seed planted, all it needs is committed watering and nurturing!! :seedling: There’s nothing to fear, hate, blame - if you want a better you, you live it! And every single waking moment you’re trying, you’re teaching your brain that you CARE! And the more you care, the more you grow… Our brains rely on exposure and persistence to function and increase or decrease activity in certain areas. Think of all the things and ways to replace your problems! Like anything that needs fixing… Write notes to yourself, maybe consider positivity affirmations, and/or every aspect of your life to get there - diet, sleep, tidiness, organization, groups/clubs, family/friends/socializing, outdoors exposure, exercise/physical health, learning/progressing, hobbies, volunteering/helping, travelling… And at least be committed to yourself! What does life mean to you right now? What does happiness mean to you? Where are you going wrong? Why? What were or are all the causes? How can you fix them? Do you really love, accept, appreciate, respect and have faith in yourself my friend? How much do you care about fixing yourself up big time? Putting a smile on yours and others faces like when u were an innocent bright baby (which we all still are)?! What would your ideal self, life and future look like?! That’s what it really boils down to. For me, writing lots of notes, researching to the worlds end, thinking very consciously and deeply often, seeing and deliberately opening totally up to a psychologist, being part of this sobriety app community and many other little things combine to help me figure myself out! Nothing’s easy nor for granted, but it’s NOT what’s easiest, but what’s best if we really want to shine and be… Every single day is your chance, your struggle and your rewiring of your life! One day at a time! Don’t underestimate that, today IS tomorrow! One minute and tiny choice at a time! Growth takes time. But your life is 100% worth every bit! Don’t be affraid of weakness or failure: the journey is the destination!

Lots of people like you are here and elsewhere for you my friend, you’re not alone, and never too ‘old’ or ‘late’ to pull yourself together and find yourself! Why? Every input has an output, and that’s what you can control and change, step by step, gradually facing and exposing your fears as you do. If the universe is infinite, so is your potential in it… :heart:


There is definitely a point in trying, It is never to late for changing your bad habits.
I wish I started my sober journey years earlier, although it wasn’t 45 years a part of my life but 20 years.
If you realy want to do this, then go for it. Everyone deserves a sober life. Get ride of that Poisson called alcohol. A sober life is so much better! :pray: :muscle:


There is only one answer to the question: yes.

Yes it is possible,
Yes it is worth trying


Thank you all. I’ve been sober since I posted this yesterday morning in part because of your kind support & advice


Yes exactly. I didn’t think what am I going to do? What am I going to do with my life? I wasn’t questioning anything. I was just tired of Needing a fifth of vodka by 11 AM every day just to stop shaking and be able to eat, or talk, or walk … I didn’t have any plans or goals or schemes Left in me … I’m 33 years old I drink for the last 12 years every day. I don’t know how many times I’ve been hospitalized Or how many mornings I had a seizure because I can’t even make it to the store. They say my liver will heal in a couple years, The nerve damage I will live with, and all the other minor consequences I have … oh well … time to fold the cards and walk away… I can’t let my guard down even with 10 months I find myself just scrolling through this site and I can get something out of anybody’s response. I’m fighting for my life so at this point I’m not questioning anything I’m just doing whatever I’m supposed to

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Just keep things simple. And just keep reaching out on here. Everything will come together :grinning:


Noooo, it’s not too late. That’s all. Lei me repeat, it’s not too late.


That is how it works. We all help each other. Your words will help me decide not to pick up today. I’m glad you are here. Keep trying. :clap:t3:

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Yes the body is an amazing healer if we just quit poisoning it. I don’t miss that rapid heartbeat at night either while trying to get to sleep. Congrats on your ten months. I spend way to much time on here. Small price to pay for my sobriety.

I’m finding gratitude to be my biggest and best tool.
I start my morning right here.

It’s a great way to start my day. Lots of great people on there. Coffee’s always on. I’m sure we can find another chair if you want to check it out. :pray:t2:


Absolutely!! I’m 61 and celebrated a year last Saturday. Everyone’s journey is different and different ways of getting and staying sober exist. I’m very healthy despite drinking too much over the years, but that WILL change if I continue drinking. So, for me keeping that in mind helps. Also participating in this forum has been a game changer!