Hi there!
I’m new to this forum and I’m not sure if I’m addicted to alcohol or not, but I wanted to know what your reasons are for stopping drinking or whatever your addiction is and why? I’m looking to stop, but I don’t know if I can. It’s been almost 48 hours and all I want to do is go get a drink with friends downtown. I guess I’m just asking what are some good reasons not to. -Dani Reese
I am someone who can get up at 7 am and drink til 3 am, and actually come off as a reasonable, fully functioning adult. For me, if it’s hard for me not to do something, it’s a flag. I have an addictive personality in general. Reasons for quitting? Loads. The sheer amount of money I have spent on alcohol. Not wanting hangovers. Health. Excessive drinking, aside from liver damage, can lead to gained weight and all the side affects of that. It can contribute to diabetes, which is in my family. No black outs. Less mood swings. Finding who you really are. Alcohol is a great social lubricant for an introvert like me. There are things I do comfortably under the influence that I wouldn’t have the guts to do sober.
Each time I have quit, I have gone back to it harder than before and would tell myself that it’s not as bad for whatever reason. This is why I don’t want to drink anymore.
Be Strong and don’t drink. The fact that you are on here and have been questioning your drinking is enough of an answer that yes there is a problem. if there is a problem then it must stop 100%. I don’t know what behaviors have led you to question your drinking but as for me I played all the mental games with myself. I convinced myself for years that there wasn’t a problem. now that I have admitted that there is I look back on my behaviour and question why I didn’t stop a long time ago. 44 days sober and finally feeling better than I have in a very long time.
I was also" Looking to stop but didn’t know if I could". It took me over 5 years of trying on my own to stop. Then God helped me walk into my 1st AA meeting . It’s unbelievable how much help is out there for you. We’re not alone in this. Anyways before that meeting even started (my 1st one) I saw that 1st step written on the wall. " Admitting that we are Powerless Over Alcohol " I knew then, I was in the right place & the help I needed was & is within reach for me to take & give back as I learn.
Addicts as i understand it cant drink once in awhile. As i know myself if i did that i would end up dead . If you are willing to stop .its possible. But stay focused
Yes.It is important to stop completely.
Everyone on here has made some very real and good reasons as to why.
I know how you feel, each day we feel different about sobriety and thats perfectly normal. Sounds like today you have fear of missing out. Have you been to any outing without drinking? I had to see for myself what that was like because I really wanted to know if I was missing out on anything because I chose not to drink. I wasnt…I still have fun, but I get to remember everything, I also dont feel like shit the next day or feel embarassed because I didnt do anything stupid. It gets tiring always be embarassed, made me feel like a fool.
Ive discovered while being sober Im very polite and thoughtful…which is NOT me when I drink.
If you are on here searching for reasons, then you are doing it right. Everyone here can relate to how you feel. If you arent sure you can stop, then this is exactly where you need to be. Alcohol stops your growth as a person, it ruins and shortens your day the next day and most definetly ruins your health.
I saw pictures of someones bloody sheets because they drank so much over the years their insides were shutting down and melting and they bled out of both ends.
I read a story about a girl in my hometown got so blackout drunk that she hit a man and drove home with him through her windsheild, dead. Recently another man nearby drove off a bridge and killed 3 or 4 people by landing on top of them.
Ive had plenty of times where I drove drunk, so this is terrifying.
If you are looking for reasons why, there is alot out there. I hope you find something that hits home for you.