Is it possibly to change your user name on here?

Hi I’m just wondering does anyone know if you can change your user name on TS?

One of the mods can help you. @moderators

Thanks @anon79808082 how do I get in touch with someone?

I can help. What name would you like?

They’ll see it because I put it there with the @ before their name. That’s how you tag someone here btw!:smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

The @ moderators only works in a private message. On the main forum you need @ us individually… :grinning::desert_island:


Thank you I was thinking that but I wasn’t sure… i will get there with the app :joy:


I’m new here, lol


Another name change? I’m never going to be able to keep anyone straight.


:joy::joy::joy::joy: this is my first and only name change… I had used a name that I felt would be recognizable to some people and I felt that I would prefer to have a name under which I could share completely and honestly so I can possibly help someone with my story… I hope it’s not too much of an inconvenience to anyone who has the ability to change the names for other… :slightly_smiling_face:


Is your name Chris too? :wink::grin:

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I wish I could laugh with you on this one but I’m not sure if I know the joke… :rofl::rofl: was there something that happened with a Chris? Haha

Yes he went by Allen for a very long time then out of the blue broke it to everyone that he was Chris LoL it just happened not too long ago so you got the backlash! :joy::joy:

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Stop… Everyone loves you ChrisAllen :heart::hugs:

It was a pro move. You should have everyone call you “The Member Formally Known as Allen” for short.


How did you know my :heart: I needed that today!! Thank you :grin: